Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Working on Classroom Redo

Today I spent about 4 hours working on redoing my Bible Class Room. I had to take down items that will not be used in the next 13 weeks and replace them with items we will be using and referring to over the next 13 weeks. I am not finished with the room yet….I will be post pics as soon as possible.

We are getting ready to start Exodus. We are going to have a lot of fun Exploring the book of Exodus and learning all about the History of Moses and the Hebrews. I have several ideas that I can’t wait to do with the children. I know they are going to enjoy this new adventure .

These are pictures of my room as I am making progress with the redo. I have put up a new interactive map of the Hebrew’s Exodus. We have a new visual of Moses and the 10 Commandments up on the wall. My story of Moses’ life flip pictures have been hung on my table side easel. Tomorrow, I still have so much more to do.

Check back to see the progress of this transformation.

God Bless.






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