Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Today Was a Day of Rejoicing for this Bible Class Teacher.

Today was a good day….I was so excited as I printed the last page of Book 2 of my Exploring Bible History Curriculum. I truly enjoyed laminating the visuals, the Who? What? When? Where? and Why? cards, the final review game, etc.

Book 2 starts with the birth of Moses and ends with Balaam and the talking Donkey. I am currently teaching this Book in my class. We are on lesson 2 out of 13. So, I have been writing, planning, laminating, cutting, drawing, etc. like crazy for the past few weeks. I normally like to be completely done writing a quarters material before I begin to teach that material. But, life sometimes throws you a bit behind in your plans. After all, I still have 4 kids at home, a husband, a dog, a new grandbaby, a house to clean…that call for my well needed and deserved attention.

Book 3 will pick up with Moses, just prior to his death, and Joshua. We will focus on Joshua being the new leader of the Hebrews, the conquering of the land and the Judges. As I “celebrate” the finishing of one task, I am always looking forward, contemplating and praying about what I will be writing on next.

I have benefitted so much through the writing of this material thus far. I am so excited when the children easily recall a story we had learned in the past. It is so encouraging to me to see the children learning so much. I pray they will all take what they have learned and grow up to serve the Lord with all their being.

Teaching Bible Class is a Blessing….To the Children and To YOU!!!!!



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  1. Melodi Avatar

    Is there a way I can buy your whole curriculum? I use this website weekly as I prepare for a class that I teach, but I would LOVE to have a hard copy! Thank you so very much for the love and time you have poured into this curriculum. It is EXACTLY what I searched for many, many times.


  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    It is currently in the production stage…it is not yet up to being purchasable stage….Still a work in progress.

  3. Unknown Avatar

    Would love a copy of your curriculum. Is it still in the workds? I think the explorer journals are a great idea. If you decide to sell these let me know. Love your ideas.

  4. MomS. Avatar

    In 2009 you indicated that you had finished writing Book 2 of your material. The above comments indicate that the material is currently in the "production stage." Any idea when your past material will be available for purchase?

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