Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Sunday is a Coming…..and I can hardly wait!!!

Sunday is coming and I am so excited about this lesson on the plagues. I have my room ready and have made a few more items for the purpose of teaching this lesson.

I used clipart from phillipmartin.com to make a standing Pharaoh and Moses. I printed them, laminated them, and attatched them to toliet paper tubes. This will allow them to stand freely as I tell the story. I will be bringing in a glass bowl, filled with water and a vial of red food coloring. My plan is to drop the red food coloring in the water as I tell that part of the story. I will have my 3D Moses sort of “strike” the water as I drop the red food coloring into the bowl.

We will also be playing a Plague review game. It is a Pyramid shaped bean bag toss game. I will be having the students answer a question from the lesson. Then they will have the opportunity to toss the bean bag onto the Plague Pyramid. They will then have to tell me which plague they landed on an one “NUMBER Sequence” the plague is. I know they will love this…anytime they get to toss beanbags they get excited.

I decided to place frogs all over the room. That way when the kiddos walk into class they will know something exciting is about to take place. I always am looking for ways to peak their interst from the minute they walk into the door.

Hope the pictures are helpful. Hope you are enjoying teaching Bible class. Hope you will return to this website in the future.




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