Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Explorer Journal….Manna and Quail

As you know we use Wednesday nights to review the lesson we learned on Sunday.

So, we will be reviewing the story of Moses and the Hebrews at Marah, Elim and in the Wilderness of Sin. Of course that is the stories of the Bitter Water made Sweet….the 70 palm trees and 12 wells and the story of God providing the Manna and Quail. We will be doing our EXPLORER JOURNAL activity, spend time saying our Memory Verse…and playing our “Gathering Manna and Quail” game. Wednesday Night class period seems to go sooo fast.

On Sunday, for the Bitter Waters made Sweet story…I mixed a bit of vinegar in some water…and let them drink it. Their little faces were soooo adorable…all puckered up. I made sweet water by mixing a little sugar in the water. They preferred the sweet water, of course. We pointed out that only God can turn bitter water to sweet, by throwing a tree into the water. We will review this story… and I will allow any that want to try the waters again to do so.

We will again look at Elim being a great place to camp….Nice shade from the palms and 12 wells of water.

Then we will review how God provided Manna and Quail for the Hebrews. We will discuss how the Manna would become wormy if left till morning. We will focus on how we must follow all of the Commands of God…every last “little” Command is important. We will again talk about how God ALWAYS provides for His children…and how Jesus is our Bread of Life.

Our Explorer Journal Activity will be a Manna activity. The kiddos will add “manna” that I cut out of white foamy sheets. We will color and then glue on the “manna.”

Then we will play the review game…We will gather up “manna” and quail by answering questions from our story.

WOW, we have a lot of ground to cover on Wednesday. I love review nights…it really allows me to know what the children really grasped from Sunday’s lesson.







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