Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Review What We Have Learned During the Quarter

We have finished all the lessons in Book 2 of the Exploring Bible History Curriculum I am writing. We have had so much fun learning about Moses’s life. On the table sits a visual reminder of some of the stories we have learned during this past quarter.

The kiddos EXPLORER JOURNALS are ready for the parents to pick up during “conference” time. I have the parents come to the classroom and let their child “PRESENT” their EXPLORER JOURNAL to their mom and dad. I am so please with the parents support and how excited they are to receive these Journals. These EXPLORER JOURNALS will immediately be family treasures.

The children have amazed me. The are doing a great job at remembering the stories, and lessons learned. They have also done a great job at remember where in the Bible we find the stories.

So, for the next few weeks we are going to be doing a fun review. I made up some “boards” and labeled them “Genesis” and “Exodus-Numbers.” I attached velcro stips to the boards and velcro dots to the backs of each picture.

The children will pick a picture out of a box, tell me which Bible story the picture represents, and we may sing a song that goes with that story…and then they will tell me which Book of the Bible the story is found in. Then they will add the picture to the correct board.

I feel this is a unique and fun way to review what they
have learned…I believe in reviewing
(WE WANT THEM TO REMEMBER WHAT THEY HAVE LEARNED!!!!) often. Make reviewing fun!!







4 responses to “Review What We Have Learned During the Quarter”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    you have such an inspirational blog!

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar
    Ronda Duvall

    Thanks Georgie, I love to teach children!!!

  3. Mary Avatar

    How do I get the print outs to go with this lesson? You can email me at mjb1191@aol.com thanks Mary

  4. Unknown Avatar

    How can I get the printables? I would love these for my Sunday School class!!
    Thanks!! aionian@hotmail.com

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