Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Joshua the NEW Leader for the Hebrews

Wednesday Evenings are used as a review night. The children review the lesson they learned on Sunday Morning. We have found this to be a great teaching method. It allows us to make sure the children really understand what they learned on Sunday.

The children projects for Wednesday are placed in their Explorer Journal. Their Explorer Journal is kept in the classroom until the end of the quarter. We put every Wednesday Evening Activity in their Journal. We have found that when we collect the children’s activities into a book…they become a family treasure.

The first Explorer Journal Activity for this quarter was Joshua the Leader. The children glued on clothing for Joshua….He is standing with the green, lush, and rich “Promised Land” in the background.
The children enjoyed gluing on Joshua’s outfit.

Memory Verse are to be memorized and said on Wednesday nights….This quarter the children will be “filling” in a map as they say their Memory Verses. They will want their map complete which will encourage them to memorize their Memory Verses.

Our first MV for this quarter is Joshua 1:9. The children received their MV card on Sunday. They color it during class. We also have a song that we sing with each MV. This helps the children memorize the verses with ease. BTW, I never expect perfection with memorization…if they can tell me what the verse is saying…then I am HAPPY!!!

I think this will be a fun and exciting quarter….we have a whole lot to learn from Joshua and the Judges!!!!







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