Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Joahua Takes A Stand….”As for Me and My House…”

This week we are learning the story of Joshua’s Farewell Address to the Hebrews.  He is wanting them to remain FAITHFUL to God.  He tells them that they must make a choice.  He reminds them of all the blessings God had blessed them with.  He reminds them that God had always been with them.  Joshua tells them, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  
For our activity this week we made little houses out of milk cartons.  I pre-painted the  milk cartons and glued on the cardstock roof.  (The roof is a clip art picture of roofing tiles…printed on card stock.)  The door and windows are also clip art….however, I laminated them and ran them through my sticker maker…that way they can be quickly applied during class time.
Our memory verse is Joshua 24:15…we have a little tune to sing it too…They will have this one memorized very quickly. 
Our Wednesday “Explorer Journal” activity is a house….The kiddos will add the “pop-cicle sticks” and a picture of their family…I had to plan ahead with this activity…We took family pictures of my students this pass Sunday and Wednesday.  I know they will LOVE making this one…because it will have a picture of their OWN family!  🙂

Our Review Activity will be a game where they all work together to build a house.  They will answer questions from today’s lesson…if they get the correct answer then they will add a block to the “house.”  Since I teach Early Childhood Ages…I figure we will rebuild it several times.  🙂






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