Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons

Today was the beginning of our new “Theme.”  We are Exploring the Armor of God.  
Paul wrote the Letter to the brethren in Ephesus.  They lived under the Roman Government and were completely aware of the Armor a Soldier wore.  
The kiddos were excited to get started with this new topic.  However, I was asked SEVERAL times….”are we going to finish the Judges and learn about the Kings?”  They are so smart!!!  After lots of reassurance we went on with our new topic.
I had the kiddos put on the Explorer Hats today and we sang the song. “We Are Bible Explorers.”  The kiddos love marching around the room as we sing this song.   
We then went right on with my lesson plans.  We added a BEE to their attendance charts as we sang our attendance song.  We then talked about Prayer and how we are to be REVERENT during prayer.  We then said our prayer.  Then we did some Basic Bible Review and Songs.  This is when we say our Books of the Bible.  Review how many book are in the Bible, how many main parts, how many book in the Old/New, etc.  
This is when I told them that our lesson was from the New Testament.  I told the kids it came from the Ephesian Epistle (telling them that they would impress their parents if they remembered that an Epistle is a fancy word for a letter.)    I then showed them  where Ephesus and Rome are on our NEW classroom map.  (I forgot to take a picture of the map…I will make sure to get one next week.)   I explained that Paul loved the Christians that lived in Ephesus and wanted them to be strong.   I then went on with the lesson about Armor.  
Our main focus was on the BELT OF TRUTH today.  We talked about our need for listening to TRUTH.  We talked about how the devil is filled with lies and is our enemy…and God’s Word will help us defeat our enemy.
Our activity was a cardstock BELT OF TRUTH.  They were so cute wearing these as they left the classroom.
Our Memory Verse was Ephesians 6:14.  We had a little tune to sing the memory verse too.  I LOVE to have a song to go with their memory verses.  I think it helps them to memorize the verse.
Our Review Activity was a fun experience.  I coded a cube (old empty cardboard box) with all the pieces of the Armor of God.  The kiddos had to answer a question from the story for an opportunity to roll the cube.  Whatever piece of Armor the cube landed on the children added that to their “soldier.”  The boys had a boy soldier and the girls had a girl soldier.  They seemed to enjoy this game.  If they do not get the answer correct I use that as the opportunity to correct any misunderstanding. BTW, this was a cheap game to make.
This is the cube…I covered the box with blue poster paper and then attached the Armor pieces.

We had our Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How? cards.  And we had a card to add to our God’s Awesome Plan for Man wall.  I really think this is an important part of ALL Bible stories.
This is our NEW Theme Bulletin Board.
On Wednesday Evening the kiddos will be “designing” their Belt of Truth.  They will glue on sequins after coloring their belt.  They will then add the little Bible to their belt…since the BELT OF TRUTH is the WORD OF GOD. 
I am looking forward to teaching this material.  I know the children really were excited this morning.  I hope they are always excited about learning lessons from God’s Word.


  1. BIBLE teacher Avatar

    thank you for your work! It is very interesting! I love your blog!

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    Thank You. I enjoy it sooo much.

  3. EagleNestMom Avatar

    My Jr. Church class is preparing to do this topic this summer – thanks for the ideas!

  4. Deb Avatar

    I am doing an Armor of God unit and just found your blog. Do you have any files you could post for the belt craft? Or the memory verse tokens? Or would you be willing to email them too me? lowndeb @ hotmail dot com
    Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful ideas!

  5. angel conley Avatar

    I would also be interested in any of the Armor of God crafts. We are beginning this in Sunday school in a few week. Anything you could send would be appreciated. angelconley79@gmail.com

  6. Jennifer Avatar

    Could you please email me the files you used for the belt craft (jdorhauer@rpcc.edu) . I would appreciate it greatly, as I teach 4-5 year old Sunday school and think they'd LOVE this!

  7. Kate Avatar

    Hi! I love your game idea with the cube. Could you email me the files for the "Get Your Armor On" page you used in the game? Thank you so much! katearnett@hotmail.com

  8. samarac Avatar

    I would also love any files or design templates you used for this lesson, please! Thanks! jump@alphawebsolutions.net

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    This is amazing and one of the best posts that I've found on The Armor of God. I, too, am getting ready to teach it to preschoolers during our summer camp session. If you have links to download patterns is it possible to list them on your blog or email them to me? My email address is californiabrenda@gmail.com. Thanks soooo much. Blessings.

  10. Unknown Avatar

    I love these ideas .. God bless all the Work..Im starting this topic this week with the kids and i came across your site and i love your ideas and i was wondering if i can get the files also for the belt and the other crafts .. Thank you so much
    my email is jdarc717@gmail.com
    I really appreciate it

  11. Unknown Avatar

    Hi there we are doing the Armor Of God for our Summer Bible Camp. Would you be able to email me any files you have on this lesson as well as crafts. Thank you so much for sharing God's word!

    faithtasticlyfun at gmail.com

    Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you!!! Have a blessed summer!

  12. Unknown Avatar

    Are you willing to share printable versions of your belt and cube? I am getting ready to teach a small class and haven't found a resource that I like as much as yours.

  13. firefly Avatar

    I love your Armor of God crafts! God bless you for the work you put into these. Would you be willing to share a printable version of these? I am getting ready to teach these lessons with my children.

  14. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, we are starting this subject next Monday. Your crafts are amazing and they would definately help me to get this message accross.
    Is there anyway you could forward the belt of truth template and any other crafts that could help me. Please? mumofone@tpg.com.au. Thanks so much.Sharon

  15. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! Can you please send me the template of the belr of truth craft? miracle102103@yahoo.com This is so neat!!! Thank you! Rosie

  16. NU-NA Avatar

    Hello, We just started the theme Armors of God last week. I love your ideas for the teaching tools. Can you possibly email the templates of the crafts that you've created? yesunym@gmail.com Thanks so much!

  17. Thatchersmail Avatar

    Would you please let me know if the links to the crafts is available? lisathatcher@gmail.com

  18. Alexis F Avatar

    Could you send me a link/files, as well? I am helping put together a unit for my local MOPS group and we are covering the armor of God)

  19. Alexis F Avatar

    Could you send me a link/files, as well? I am helping put together a unit for my local MOPS group and we are covering the armor of God)

  20. Gabriela Avatar

    i would love the template for the belt of truth please: gabrieladorin@gmail.com

  21. Gabriela Avatar

    i would love the template for the belt of truth please: gabrieladorin@gmail.com

  22. Keeping Hope Alive Avatar

    Awesome idea. Can you send me the templates? M3illen@gmail.com

  23. Cole's Connection Avatar

    Hi Ronda,
    Are your activities and crafts available for print? Please contact me if so.

  24. Cole's Connection Avatar

    Hi Ronda,
    Are your activities and crafts available for print? Please contact me if so.

  25. kinderinthecornfields Avatar

    I love your ideas. I am also wondering if your activities and crafts are available to purchase and or print. Can you please let me know? Thanks.

  26. Tera Avatar

    Love your ideas! Do you have printables or templates for the armor. Thanks! teratriv@yahoo.com

  27. Unknown Avatar

    Creative Ideas! I am in need of some templates for an armor of God lesson. Could you please email them to me?

  28. Unknown Avatar

    Creative Ideas! I am in need of some templates for an armor of God lesson. Could you please email them to me?

  29. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Ronda! I love the outfit! We are doing a VBS over the Armour of God and I was wondering if you could send me the templates you used for each piece? My email is manikabishop@gmail.com

    Thank you!!!!

  30. Dwyer family Avatar

    We are also doing this for summer Sunday School — it's such a fun topic for kids! If possible, could you send the templates to me as well? bdwyerx@yahoo.com — Thank you and God bless!

  31. Unknown Avatar

    I am starting an at home bible study course for my kids, and I would really LOVE the templates that you used, you did such a wonderful job. If you wouldn't mind emailing them to me, it would be greatly appreciated!!

    Warm Blessings,
    Carrie Lozano

  32. Girlrags4 Avatar

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Girlrags4 Avatar

    Could I please get the belt of truth template? Thanks!

  34. Anonymous Avatar

    Hello and blessings!

    It's possible to get the belt of truth template sent to my email:

    May God keep continue blessing your ministry!

  35. Jenn Avatar

    Hi, I'm not sure if you are emailing your belt of truth template, but if so, I would love it for our VBS. jennhall777@yahoo.com Thank you.

  36. Mama Bee Avatar

    Hello. I am looking for a belt of truth craft for Children's Church (Promise Land) and really like this. There are so many kids of different age levels that this "could" keep them quiet and listening for the lesson. If you are sending a file could you please send me one. I would so much appreciate it!! God Bless. Vicki at prazingthelord@gmail.com

  37. Unknown Avatar

    Thank you for sharing how you teach your lessons. I like how you incorporate maps and other aspects so they learn so much more. If you are sharing your templates for the cube game and belt I'd a copy. Please email ptp813@gmail.com. Thank you. 🙂

  38. Unknown Avatar

    Thank you for sharing how you teach your lessons. I like how you incorporate maps and other aspects so they learn so much more. If you are sharing your templates for the cube game and belt I'd a copy. Please email ptp813@gmail.com. Thank you. 🙂

  39. Unknown Avatar

    I would love to use your use your armor of God craft ideas can you please email them to me kidventuresclag@gmail.com

  40. Unknown Avatar

    I would love to use your use your armor of God craft ideas can you please email them to me kidventuresclag@gmail.com

  41. 30 years and going strong Avatar

    Love your Armor of God craft ideas! We would love to make the belt next week. Could you please email the file? kaitanth3303@yahoo.com

  42. Unknown Avatar

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Unknown Avatar

    Love your belt of truth! Do you mind sharing? My class is doing their chapel program on the armor of God and I would love for them to make and wear this. mtriplett@tcslubbock.org

  44. Unknown Avatar

    I love your craft ideas. Could I get a copy of your craft templates for the whole armor of God unit?

  45. ncgal Avatar

    I teach pre-school age at our church youth group and we've started learning about the armor of God. I have a room full of boys and they're excited already! If you would be willing, could you please email me the link to the belt of truth craft? Thank you so much for your blog! (bradandheathersmith@hotmail.com)

  46. Unknown Avatar

    “Mygrandmatime” recently completed a series of 12 family & small group lessons on the book of Ephesians. The materials are free and can be found at:
    A companion book (based on Ephesians 6 – the armor of God) is also available for $6. You’ll find it here:

  47. Unknown Avatar

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Bethany Borman Avatar

    Hi I would love to do this activity with my kids. Would you be able to send me the template for the activity? I would really appreciate it.
    Thank you so much!

  49. Unknown Avatar

    Would you be able to email the file for your belt of truth? Thanks

  50. ziggy Avatar

    Hi, Good Day, Can you please send email the file for me please? I am preparing a Love Feast this year. My email address is zakiya17@hotmail.com

  51. Unknown Avatar

    Thank you for this wonderful armor of God series. We are doing our VBS this summer on this theme. Could you email me all the files for the crafts and coloring pages? Email address is sooheesim@gmail.com. Thank you so much.

  52. Unknown Avatar

    I am doing the Armor of God for my Sunday School classes this summer. Is there anyway you could email me all the files for the crafts and coloring pages that you used? my email is gloworm74@msn.com

  53. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! I love this idea. We are doing the Armor of God this week as a final lesson for our regular Bible school as a lead in for our VBS on this theme. Could you please email me the templates for this lesson? My email is dawnvahl@gmail.com Thank you so very much and have a blessed day!

  54. Anonymous Avatar

    I would love to do the Armor of God projects, it is the them of our school. Can you please email the templates to j.conant@stgeorge

  55. Unknown Avatar


  56. Unknown Avatar

    I would love to use the belt of truth project at out VBS next week. Could you please email the templates to sully97@comcast.net
    Thank you!

  57. Unknown Avatar

    Hey I would love the template for this lesson for our Summer series this summer please. You can email it to tjcmayfield@gmail.com I also would like to know how to get you to do a ladies teacher workshop.

  58. wanda Avatar

    Hi, Love everything! Can you please send me the files for the whole series. We are doing this topic this month at our church. Thank you! wandaymilton25@yahoo.com

  59. Kristen Miller Avatar

    Hi there! We're having an Armour of God themed VBS in a couple of weeks and I would love to get the template for your Belt of Truth, if possible. My email address is kristentmiller@yahoo.com Thank you!

  60. Susan Avatar

    Love everything! Our theme for preschool this year is the Full Armor of God. I would love to get your templates and files for this lesson. Thank you!
    email address is rdlenear@msn.com

  61. Unknown Avatar

    Hi loving your belt of truth craft. Would it be possible for you to send me the template.
    Many thanks x
    email address is faulkner-a2@sky.com

  62. Becki Avatar

    Love your belt of truth! Would you be willing to send me a copy of the template for it?
    My email is becki1225@hotmail.com

    Thank you,

  63. Unknown Avatar

    I am planning on doing the Armour Of God for my Sunday School class this term. My email is kezza.j.97@gmail.com & I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me a template for the Belt Of Truth. Thanks so much

  64. Unknown Avatar

    Hi. I am doing the Armour of God this term starting with the belt of truth. Would you be willing to send me a template for your craft?? My email is kezza.j.97@gmail.com.
    Thanks so much

  65. Unknown Avatar

    Hello! I'll be doing an Armor of God study with my preschool age class in the fall. I am absolutely in love with some of your craft ideas and think my kids would really enjoy the crafts. I was hoping you could send me the templates for them. My email is amartin@paznaz.org

  66. Mrs. Dodge Avatar

    Could I get the printable for the belt portion? I would like to use it for the children's church. My email is littlejenlea@gmail.com

  67. MJPhotography Avatar


    Would you be willing to share your files on the armor of God lessons? My email is mhaselip@gmail.xom

    Thank you

  68. Unknown Avatar

    You have wonderful & creative Armor of God crafts. Would you be willing to share your templates? I would love to include them in our worship boxes for Sunday mornings.


  69. DOMAEC Avatar

    We are planning to study the Armor of God with my 2 kids. I would love this template! Looks awesome! donna.hutson@yahoo.com Thank you! Donna

  70. Karen Avatar

    We are memorizing the Armor of God verses at our school this year. Could you send me your templates and any other useful info? karenbingham5@gmail.com

    Thanks so much, Karen

  71. GSmallwood Avatar

    We are learning about truth and what God wants us to do. Can you send me your template and any other useful info for the belt of TRUTH?
    May God continue to bless you!

  72. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Karen, I was wondering did you ever receive your request for the templates and if so how long did it take to reach you?
    Thank you.

  73. Unknown Avatar

    We are doing the Armor of God for our Kindergarten Sunday School would love to do the Belt of Truth craft with them. Could you send me the template for the craft. Thank you what a great lesson presentation.

  74. Mrs. Noto Avatar

    I am teaching the armor of god in my 4th.5th grade classroom. Would love to do the belt activity, could I have the printable pdf? My email is mnoto3524@gmail.com

  75. Unknown Avatar


    I am teaching the Armor of God for our Children's Church class and would live a template for the belt of truth. tnicolelong@yahoo.com Thank you!

  76. Unknown Avatar

    that should be "love" and not "live" on the previous request I sent. Thanks!

  77. Unknown Avatar

    I am doing a VBS on the armor of God and would love to be able to use your files if you still have them. Jaladomes@verizon.net thank you

  78. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, I love your full armor of God armor you created, I was wondering if you share your templates for the armor of God? if so could i kindly receive them at nicole.caser@gmail.com thank you.

  79. MicheleSky7 Avatar

    Just wondering if you're still sharing your PDF template for the belt of truth and if so would you mind sharing with me at michelesky7@outlook.com
    Thank you and God Bless

  80. Unknown Avatar

    Good day if you're still sharing this would you mind sending the template to pavyroban@gmail.com. We're doing an armour of God teaching at our church.

    Thank you and God bless.

  81. Unknown Avatar

    I am doing a class on the Armor of God and would love the template for the Belt of Truth, if you willing to share please email to gailm.spangenberg@gmail.com. For His Glory, Thanks!

  82. Unknown Avatar

    Hello. I'm doing a lesson on the Armor of God. Would you be able to forward me the links for the belt of truth. cbondochrc@gmail.com Thank you and God Bless!!

  83. Anabelle Avatar

    I am starting an armor of God Sunday school lesson tomorrow and would love to use your printables. Would you be willing to send them to turtlegirl0424@gmail.com, please?

  84. Unknown Avatar

    Hello, I'd love to have access to the printables for the Armor of God unit. I'm homeschooling and am doing this with my children. My email address is: christine@northfolk.ca
    Thank you!

  85. Unknown Avatar

    Hi wonderful ideas, If you are willing to share the templates please email me gjnrg@aol.com

  86. Wanda Cabot Avatar

    Sorry wandacabot@hotmail.com is my e mail for a template for the belt of truth

  87. Wanda Cabot Avatar

    Sorry my full comment didn’t post. Love your craftbe,t of truth. I am a Sunday school teacher in Labrador and lovethe craft.

  88. Anonymous Avatar

    This is so awesome. Are you sharing your template for the belt of truth or other parts of the armor? If so, I would love to use these with our kiddos. My email is children@slpca.org

  89. Mindy Smith Avatar

    This is awesome – using it with our grandsons for Holy Week – Wednesday – Spy Wednesday – What prompted Judas to betray Jesus? Satan entered him. Can you email me the template for the belt of truth and cube craft? Want to make it part of our annual Holy Week observance for Wednesday! timmindy62@yahoo.com Blessings and gratitude to you!

  90. hollywood9987 Avatar

    Love your templates for Armor of God. Are you sharing your templates for this subject would love to use them for my students in Sunday School. Email is hollywood9987@gmail.com


  91. Unknown Avatar

    Can you send me the printable belt and other activities for this lesson o print please?

  92. G Avatar

    Hi, I would love this for my kids bible lesson. Can you please email the templates?
    ps139gretchen@gmail.com You do very creative work!

  93. Unknown Avatar

    Is it possible to get a pdf version of your belt of truth to use for our armor of God class?

  94. Unknown Avatar

    Please send to me also! Especially the belt pattern. Thank you!!

  95. Unknown Avatar

    I forgot to send email


  96. Unknown Avatar

    These crafts are so cute, especially the Belt of Truth one. Possible to get it in PDF form to use in my kids Sunday class? lawrens@foothillfamily.com

    Thanks for the great ideas!

  97. plauritsen Avatar

    I am planning to do Armor of God for our VBS this summer and love your lessons and crafts in your blog!! Could you share your templates and the lessons? My email is thelauritsens@gmail.com Thanks so much!

  98. Karah Avatar

    I am planning to do Armor of God this summer and love your lessons and crafts!! Could you share your templates and the lessons? My email is karahkinder@gmail.com Thanks so much!

  99. Xiaochun Avatar

    I am planning to do Armor of God this summer too and found this website. I love the craft. Could you share your templates and lessons? My email is xiaochunh@gmail.com. Thank you!

  100. Kstacey Avatar

    If you are honoring requests for templates I'd be grateful. Kinderstacey2013@gmail.com

  101. Unknown Avatar

    I am planning on doing the armour of God with my kiddos. Would you please share your templates and lessons? My email is brendafarm59@gmail.com
    Thank you.

  102. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, not sure if you still have files for the armor of god crafts. I am really looking for a printable template for the breastplate of righteousness and the belt of truth. I just found your blog and love the crafts you did for this theme. Would you mind sharing with me for our first online VBS for my church this year? My email is sabinekurian@gmail.com.
    Thank you!

  103. Unknown Avatar

    I would also like the printable belt. Could you please send it to me? slangeheine@cbc-haonver.org

  104. Unknown Avatar

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  105. K Teacher Avatar

    I would love the template for this belt and for any other wearables for the Armor of God. My kindergarten class is working on memorizing Ephesians 6:10-18
    Email is kbaumann@christclassical.com

  106. Annie. Avatar

    Dear Rhonda,
    Praise the Lord!!, I am a Sunday school teacher and I am teaching my church children about The armor of God So I would be very Grateful if you could send me the template of the full armor of God. I love your belt of truth.
    so could you pls. send it to my mail annstannie@gmail.com.
    Thanks a lot.

  107. Enid Avatar

    Hi! God bless! Like everyone else, love your ideas for this lesson. Would love to have the templates. If possible, my email is kdnjuny@yahoo.com! Thank you so much.

  108. Enid Avatar

    Hi! God bless! Like everyone else, love your ideas for this lesson. Would love to have the templates. If possible, my email is kdnjuny@yahoo.com! Thank you so much.

  109. Unknown Avatar

    Just like everyone else I love the Armor of God Lesson and crafts you did. If possible could you send me the templates and instructions for each piece? Send to diane@nicholsstreet.org

  110. Unknown Avatar


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  112. Candace B Avatar

    Hi Ronda! We are doing the Armor of God for VBS, and love the crafts you did. If willing, would you send me the templates and instructions (cefox11@gmail.com)? Thank you!!!

  113. Karis Avatar

    Hello Rhonda! I am interested in the templates as well if you would be willing to share with me! Thank you!! Karis.harrell@yahoo.com

  114. Jerardo Avatar

    Hello Mrs. Ronda! I am also interested in the templates that you used and if were willing to share them with me. Thank you!! And God blessed you

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  117. jeeyeoni1987 Avatar

    Hi Rhonda! I am also interested in the templates that you used for your belt of truth if you are willing to share them with me. Thank you and God bless!

  118. bdutter Avatar

    Hi Rhonda! If you are still sending out the templates for belt of truth, I would love them! Thanks,

  119. jeffrey cage Avatar

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    email address::besthackersworld58@gmail.com or whats-app +1(323)-723-2568

  120. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Ronda,
    Love your lesson and activities.
    Are your activities and crafts available for print? Please contact me if so.

  121. Unknown Avatar

    would love the template if anyone has it reach591@yahoo.com

  122. Unknown Avatar

    Hello, great stuff! Can you send me the printable belt?

  123. Unknown Avatar

    Would you be able to send me the printable belt pattern

  124. Kasengland Avatar

    Would you be able to send me the printable belt pattern?
    Thank you!

  125. Unknown Avatar

    Would you also be able to send me a printable belt pattern.
    Thank you

  126. Sharon Avatar

    Could you send me a printable belt pattern please? Thank you.

  127. JACKIE L Avatar

    can you send me the craft templates please, we are starting the armor of God for VBS in June. Thank you

  128. erhodes Avatar

    Could you please email me the files you used for the belt craft to at evonne@lakeviewfellowship.com
    would love to use for VBS thanks!

  129. CatrinaC Avatar

    Could someone please send me the template or files for these. We are doing the armour of god for VBS this yeard and i am in charge of crafts. Neenee0131@yahoo.com
    Thank you

  130. CatrinaC Avatar

    Did you ever get the files for this?

  131. CatrinaC Avatar

    Did you ever get an email back?

  132. sarah Avatar

    Can I get the belt of truth template too? It is adorable! My email is seaxup@gmail.com

  133. Neka Avatar

    Hi, Can I please get the belt of truth template. I want to use it this vbs. My email is al.ex.kanea@gmail.com

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