Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 3

We are continuing our lessons on the Armor of God.  This past Sunday we added “Sandals of Peace” to our Belt of Truth and Breastplate of Righteousness.  We learned that God wants our feet to be SHOD with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.    

I wanted the kiddos to realize that when we teach others about Jesus we are sharing news that gives people a lasting PEACE.  I also explained that sometimes people try to say that life is nothing but problems and disappointments,  but, because we are wearing our “sandals of peace” we know that God takes care of us and that we do NOT need to worry.  

I started off by asking the kiddos why we wear our shoes?  The answers were sooooo cute.   They responded with comments such as, “to protect our feet from the hot ground.”  (BTW,  we have been in the 100 degrees for the past few weeks.)  One even said, “with out shoes you might step on rocks, glass or stickers. And that HURTS!”    One little girl said, “I wear shoes because they are cool and match my dresses.”  (typical little girl ;-))   I loved ALL their answers.  I then explained that we wear the “Sandals of Peace” for all the same reasons.    

I explained the the “Sandals of Peace” protect our feet while we are teaching others.  They help us keep teaching even though some people don’t want to hear the Good News of Jesus.   I then took what the little girl said and talked to them about how the “Sandals of Peace” go with all our other Armor pieces…and they help “complete” the outfit.    

As our “Take Home” activity we made “Sandals of Peace.” Yes, they are wearable Sandals.  I think they turned out kinda cute.   I took pictures of each child wearing their sandals….I love little kids toes…and I know their parents will love receiving a pic. of their kiddo wearing their handmade “Sandals of Peace.”

Our memory verse was Ephesians 6:15.  We sang the verse to a little tune and they all had it memorized before leaving class….BTW, I took the time to explain the word “SHOD.”  I want them to understand what the verse means.  So, anytime I think there is something in a verse that is confusing I do my best to explain it in “KIDDO TERMS.”  

The kiddos made the flip flop version of “Sandals of Peace” for their Explorer Journals…..They added the ribbons that say, “Jesus Loves Me.”  We used this as a jump off point to say, “Since Jesus Loves us we need to feel peaceful.” We went on and explained the need to SHARE the story of Jesus and HIS love for us….this is how we wear our “Sandals of Peace.”

For our review game we rolled the cube I made for lesson one…I then asked the kiddos which piece of armor the cube landed on…We were pushed for time this past Sunday, as making the sandals and taking pictures, took up a little more time than our usual activities….so, I cut the review game time down by just letting them roll the cube after answering a question from the lesson.  They enjoyed it very much. 




9 responses to “Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 3”

  1. BIBLE teacher Avatar
    BIBLE teacher

    it is very nice. I liked it. I know kids like this too. )))))))

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar
    Ronda Duvall

    They have really been enjoying this unit study of Ephesians 6….It amazes me how much they are learning and how much they remember. They are truly little sponges soaking up GOD'S WORD.

  3. Deb Avatar

    I love the Explorer Journals. Do you have a file for those you could post? Do you have a template for the sandals of peace that the kids could wear?

  4. Margie Avatar

    Could you post a template for the flips that have the "Jesus Loves me" ribbon? Am doing this lesson on this coming Sunday, June 14, 2015. Would SOOOO appreciate it!

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    Is there a printable for this?

  6. Unknown Avatar

    I would also love a printable of the flip flop activity! So cute!

  7. Unknown Avatar

    Yes, I would love a printable of flip flop printable also… thank you.

  8. Unknown Avatar

    The flip flop craft is so very cute! Could you send a printable? Thanks

  9. Emily Keelon Avatar
    Emily Keelon

    Could you send me the printable for the flip flop craft … thank you
    We are doing the armor of God for VBS

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