Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 2

One of my Visuals.

 We are continuing to “EXPLORE” the various attributes of the FRUIT of The Spirit.  The children are really excited about this topic. 

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, I decided to do an “extension”  to last weeks lesson.  We are going to have different lesson for every attribute….but, because so many of my students are out of town, I did not want to proceed forth into the  LOVE lesson.  I did not want them to miss any of the lessons on the individual attributes.

My students will be making a “Fruit of The Spirit” fruit basket as their Take-Home project.  I think they turned out very cute…They will color and glue the basket together and then add “paper fruit” and the Fun Foam Fruit as well.  

For their “Explorer Journal” activity the kiddos will be making a Fruit of The Spirit Puzzle.  The will add the puzzle pieces to make a complete apple.  My focus with them is going to be that we have to have ALL the attributes to have a COMPLETE fruit…If we are missing any of the attributes we are NOT completely the way GOD wants us to be…so, we need to improve, change or add the attributes we are missing. 

Completed Fruit of The Spirit Puzzle.

Our Review Game for this week is a Bean Bag Game…The kiddos will answer a question from the lesson and then get the opportunity to throw a bean-bag at the “Toss-A-Cross” game…They will then have to answer the question that they turn over with their bean-bag.  My students LOVE to throw bean-bags…so, I know they will LOVE playing this game.  (BTW, the game was made from a old Toss-A-Cross game, that I purchased at a yard sale for 50 cents.  Always keep your eye out for things you can re-purpose for Bible Class.)


2 responses to “Fruit of the Spirit Lesson 2”

  1. Homeschool Mom Avatar
    Homeschool Mom

    I am impressed with your creativity, Do you have any files that you can share on the Fruit of the Spirit? I would greatly appreciate any help you can give on this subject as it would help in planning our lessons on the Fruit of The Spirit.

    Thank you,

  2. RoyalShoop Avatar

    Do you have the template for the fruit puzzle? We are doing the Fruit of the Spirit for our Wednesday night service and I love that idea. Of course, I will make my own if you don't, but it's always awesome when you can just hit "print"! 🙂

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