Hands On Bible Teacher Title

God Called Samuel Exploring Bible History

The kiddos are sooo excited about this “NEW” material.  We are truly on an EXPLORATION!  I love it when their eyes light up in AWE about what they are hearing from GOD’S Word.  




Our recent lesson was about GOD calling Samuel.  I reminded the kiddos that GOD did NOT speak directly to the Fathers (as HE had done during the Patriarchal time) because, HE had given Moses HIS Law for the Hebrews.  So, when GOD called Samuel it was a VERY SPECIAL EVENT!

Our TAKE HOME activity was Samuel in bed. The children LOVED being able to slide Samuel’s  eyes open and shut.  As they pulled the top slide Samuel’s eyes opened and the Scripture reference “Speak Lord for your servant’s listening…”  1 Samuel 3,  would appear on the bedding.    Each of the kiddos bed looked different…I love it when the girls choose PINK for bedding and the boys choose BLUE!  So typical!  LOL

I decided this would be an appropriate Memory Verse…We ALL have ears and we ALL need to be listening to GOD’S WORD! 

We sang the Memory Verse to the tune:  “B-I-N-G-O.”  Most of the kiddos had the verse memorized before leaving the classroom.  I know I sang it ALL week long.  There is something about putting verses to a familiar tune that helps with memorizing them.  If you have NEVER tried putting a verse to a childhood tune, I suggest you give it a try….you will be amazed at how easy it is to memorize Scripture this way.  



Our Review/Game was a LISTENING GAME.  

I purchased the little cups and the Yellow/Red Game pieces at the Dollar Tree.  (The game pieces came out of a TOPPLE type game.)






I wrote a song for this lesson called,

“God Was Calling Samuel.”  I sang the song to the children…each time they heard me sing “GOD” they had to put a yellow game piece in their cup.  Each time they heard me sing “Samuel” they had to put a red game piece in their cup.  THEY LOVED THIS GAME!!!!!!  They wanted to play it OVER and OVER and OVER again!!!!!  So, we decided to change out the “What to listen for…”  I was sort of surprised at how much they LOVED playing this.  This is one game I will try to work into other lessons!  I LOVE it when something so inexpensive is soooo effective!!!









Our EAA, which stands for EARLY ARRIVAL ACTIVITY was the WHITE BOARDS/DRAWING activity.  (I really need to post some of the pictures that they have drawn.)  The LOVE drawing on the personal sized white boards…so, I am going to keep it up for a few more Sunday’s …..However, I did include some of the MILK CAP MANIA….and they WHIZZED right through them!!!!  I was soooo pleased with how many of the kiddos are REMEMBERING what they have learned!!!!  The  EEAs allow me to “TEST” the kiddos knowledge….and let me know if I need to review something, correct something or even re-teach something.  My EAA’s have to have a purpose…or I would NOT use them.  I never want something to STEAL away my precious 45 minutes of teaching time! 

On Wednesday Evening the kiddos colored  a picture of Samuel in bed.  They added the bedpost (colored craft sticks) and a POP-UP speech bubble with “Samuel, Samuel” on it.  Again, the differences in each of their activities is so unique to their personality.  Some of the girl’s added flowers to the blanket….and one of the boy’s made his blanket have a camouflage type pattern.  I LOVE their unique individuality!!!  

GOD blesses me ro richley through these little ones!

For a VISUAL aid I decided to make a LARGE version of the TAKE HOME project….The kiddos LOVED pulling the slide on this one….  I used it while telling the story…I believed this helped the kiddos when it came time to make their own…they had already seen this work so the knew what to do.    When I can’t find a VISUAL aid in my resources, clip art, or FREE online, I will MAKE IT MYSELF…LOL

We have already been so busy.  The kiddos amaze me each week…. Our main review questions this week were:  Who was the Strong Judge?  Who was the Judge after Samson?  What other “job’s” did Eli have?  Who was Samuel’s mom? Who was Samuel’s dad?  Where did Hannah go to pray?  What did Eli think about Hannah when he saw her praying?  In what city was the Tabernacle?  What did Hannah promise GOD?  Did Hannah keep her promises?  What did Hannah bring Samuel each year?  Can children be servants to the LORD?  They knew ALL the answers!!!!!!  I was soooo pleased!!!!!  I  feel soooo blessed to be a BIBLE CLASS teacher!!!!   Next week we will be going on a “KING HUNT.”  




210 responses to “God Called Samuel Exploring Bible History”

  1. Jocey Kay Avatar
    Jocey Kay

    I really like the Samuel in bed craft – where did you find it? Thanks in advance!

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar
    Ronda Duvall

    Thanks, I designed it on my computer…we are working on a way of having some of my crafts downloadable….this site will always be a bit of a work in progress. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Tina Avatar

    Can't wait for you to get your templates posted! They are awesome!

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Hey Ronda! Is there any way that you could either post or e-mail the actual "teacher" directions for the craft!?! I love this idea and I'm doing this story Sunday! I'd love to be able to do this craft with the kids! It would be even more awesome if I could download the actual artwork that you designed!! Any ideas!?! Brenda ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Unknown Avatar

    I have the same question. I'm not too crafty, but I can follow directions ๐Ÿ™‚


  6. Unknown Avatar

    Is it possible to get directions for making this great craft? I would be so happy to have them and make it with my children in Sabbath school? Thanks in advance! Nevena

  7. CullenFamLove Avatar

    I was wondering if I could get a copy of the lyrics to "God Was Calling Samuel." I see them in the photo, but I can't see the last few lines. I would love to use this game in our class.

  8. Unknown Avatar

    Hi wanted to know if I could get template of Samuel in bed. My email is churstdavis@gmail.com. Thanks!

  9. GervaisFamily Avatar

    Here is a link to a very similar print out that I found! http://www.familytrust.org.uk/downloads/2010term3/week3.pdf

    1. Patty Avatar


    2. nsafotu Avatar

      This page is no longer found. Would I please be able to get a copy of the samuel in the bed template where you can move his eyes and the memory verse is on the blanket, e-mail is nsafotu@yahoo.com. Thank you.

  10. Unknown Avatar

    Ronda..can you please also send me this template coz I always struggle with presentation…umashocks@gmail.com..Thanks in advance..your works are wonderful..

  11. pezlos Avatar

    Hello. I wondered if you would be able to email me your template. All of the pictures I see are yours but when I go to get the print out it's different.
    my email is pezlos86@gmail.com Thank you so much.

  12. everyday emmaculate Avatar
    everyday emmaculate

    Can you also send the template of Samuel sleeping. I'm teaching this Sunday.
    Super cute materials!!
    Thanks and God bless,
    emmaleora @gmail.com

  13. Laura Avatar

    Would love to have the template for the Samuel craft if you could email it to me. We're doing this lesson next Sunday.Thank you so much! laurakannon@ftc-i.net

  14. Pj81 Avatar

    Would love the template for Samuel craft this would be perfect to add to the lesson we are doing in 3 weeks if you could send me an email pjsaar@gmail.com that would be great thank you so much

  15. Unknown Avatar

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. TheWorldofElementaryMusic Avatar

    I would love to have the templates for these activities. It's the next lesson for my bible class kiddos. My email is wvuchelly@yahoo.com

  17. Unknown Avatar

    Could you please email me the Samuel in Bed template? My email is laura.wooden@bartlesvillefirstchurch.com

  18. dinah spell Avatar
    dinah spell

    Would appreciate the templates for the Samuel crafts for my Children's Church Class. Thank you very much. fredndinah@gmail.com

  19. Unknown Avatar

    it would be a blessing to be able to printout ur templets.

  20. ToniAnn Avatar

    Could you please email me your template? Thanks in advance!! anns1971@gmail.com

  21. TamKap Avatar

    I would appreciate the use of your templates for the Samuel crafts for my Children's Sunday school class. Thank you very much.

  22. EMO Avatar

    Would you email me the template for the Samuel in bed craft? I would really appreciate it! What a great idea! emradichel@gmail.com

  23. Wheels of Faith Avatar
    Wheels of Faith

    Would you email the template for the Samuel in bed craft, please! I would appreciate it! Thanks! RNCMUNCH@yahoo.com

  24. Unknown Avatar

    Can I have the templates with Samuel and the multicolor sheet please with the Bible verse? My email is coleenalexander@gmail.com. Thank you so much!

  25. twhite Avatar

    I would really appreciate it if you could email me the template for the Samuel in bed craft too! Thank you! whitet@judah.org

  26. Kelly Avatar

    I would really appreciate it if you could email me the template for the Samuel in bed craft too! Thank you! thiagokellyrufino@gmail.com

  27. Anonymous Avatar

    Could you please email me the templates too? Great ideas!!

  28. Kaylene Avatar

    I would also love the template for this activity of Samuel in bed. I teach a children's class for Sabbath school, and would love to do this activity for this coming week craft. My email address is kaymatyas@gmail.con

  29. Kelly Avatar

    When you have asked for the templates did you receive them?

  30. Kelly Avatar

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Kelly Avatar

    I'd love to have the template as well. thefamilywood (at) gmail.com

  32. Blessings03 Avatar

    Would you please email me the Samuel bed craft?
    Appreciate your time.
    Thank you!

  33. Blessings03 Avatar

    Would you please email me the Samuel bed craft?
    Appreciate your time.
    Thank you!

  34. Unknown Avatar

    I would love to make this craft with my sunday school class! Would you be able to email me the template as well? irchik716@yahoo.com
    Thank you!!

  35. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! I would love the template as well, as our sunday school topic is samuel next week! Thank You! ipalnikov@yahoo.com

  36. SundaySchoolMom Avatar

    Hi! I would love to add my name to the list if the "Samuel in bed – slide" is available, please! Thank you!

  37. SundaySchoolMom Avatar

    Hi! I would love to add my name to the list if the "Samuel in bed – slide" is available, please! Thank you!

  38. Anonymous Avatar

    Hello. I would also love to have the Samuel-In-Bed Slide template. It's so adorable! Thanks in advance for your help. michelle@gravitytank.com

  39. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! May I know if you'd be willing to share the template with me as well? We are planning to teach this lesson and have been trying to look for the suitable craft. If possible, please email me at sylvia.thay@gmail.com. Much thanks in advance!

  40. Unknown Avatar

    Can you also send the template of Samuel sleeping. I'm teaching this Sunday.
    Super cute materials!!
    Thanks and God bless you!!!

  41. Unknown Avatar

    Can you also send the template of Samuel sleeping. I'm teaching this Sunday.
    Super cute materials!!
    Thanks and God bless you!!!

  42. Anonymous Avatar

    It would be a Blessing If you could email me the Samuel bed craft templates.
    I really like them for our kids.My email is sylvia@emmanuelalvin.com

  43. Robert Stahl Avatar
    Robert Stahl

    That is a nice activity. Could you please email me the template of sleeping Samuel. My email address is uthinkpositive@gmail.com

  44. Robert Stahl Avatar
    Robert Stahl

    That is a nice activity. I am teaching Sunday school tomorrow and I would really like to use this activity. Could you please email me the template of sleeping Samuel. My email address is uthinkpositive@gmail.com

  45. Unknown Avatar

    What a blessing your ideas are! I'm teaching the Samuel lesson this coming weekend, would you be willing to share/email your template of Sliding-Sleeping-Samuel? My email address is anncraigmeeker@hotmail.com. Thanks, and God bless you!

  46. Mrs Doust's blog Avatar
    Mrs Doust's blog

    Hi, like everyone else here, I think that the sliding sleeping Samuel is a fantastic craft and would live to use it this Sunday if you could email a copy to karendoust@gmail.com ….thanks for your inspiration! Karen

  47. Unknown Avatar

    Please email the template.

  48. Unknown Avatar

    PLease email the template. susan.kane@nbed.nb.ca. I would love to have it. Thanks

  49. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, I really loved you Samuel in bed craft, I was wondering if you could send me the template? My kids will love it… abby_tapia@hotmail.com

  50. Mel Avatar

    Can I please have the Samuel in bed templet? kis28214@yahoo.com
    Thank you!

  51. Brittany Avatar

    Can i please have the template as well. We are suppose to do this story next week and I cannot find something for the older kids to do.

  52. Sarah Payne Avatar
    Sarah Payne

    Do you have a template for the Samuel in bed craft with the sliding message? If so, please send it to me. I teach this lesson tomorrow! markpayne@mindspring.com
    Thanks so much!

  53. Unknown Avatar

    could you please please send me the samuel template? thanks

  54. Bottorff Avatar

    I would love your Samuel craft as well! LOVE IT! tb5174@aol.com

  55. Holly Kesson Avatar
    Holly Kesson

    Hello! God has surely given you a wonderful gift to teach His Word in such an engaging way. I am sure the children will remember it. Please email me the template for the Samuel in bed sliding take home craft. My email is h.j.kesson@gmail.com. Thank you in advance.

  56. Unknown Avatar

    Could you please send me the template for Samuel slider in bed? I love it. I would also love to have the template for Hannah's Prayer. Love how you are sharing Jesus and God's love with others. cathyjostokes@hotmail.com Thank you very much!!

  57. Sheryl LeBaron Avatar
    Sheryl LeBaron

    I love the Samuel in bed. May I have the template? Thank you

  58. Unknown Avatar

    Hi. I was wondering if you could email me the template so I could do this activity with my class. jdemarest78@yahoo.com

  59. AmyLou Avatar

    I just saw your Samuel in bed craft. It is so cute! Is there a place that I could get the directions and template? If so you can email me at mangosurpris@hotmail.com. Thanks so much for the ability to share Bible stories with kids!

    1. Skandera's Avatar

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, I too LOVED your craft and would very much appreciate to have the template. My email is grujana@yahoo.com

    God bless!

  61. Unknown Avatar

    Hi ๐Ÿ™‚ Could you please send me the template for Samuel slider in bed? I love it. I'm teaching this Sunday. Super cute materials!!
    Thanks and God bless you!!!

  62. Denise Avatar

    Hello! I love the bed craft. Can you email it to me at deniseharper78@yahoo.com? I am teaching this tomorrow. THank you!

  63. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! I love the Samuel in bed with slider craft. I am teaching this lesson right away and would love to make the large one and some smaller as well. Could you email me the templates, please, oh pretty please????

  64. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! I see a lot of requests for your template for Samuel in bed. Would you be willing to send it to me as well? Thank you so much for sharing your ideas. This looks like a great lesson!

  65. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Ronda,
    Can you send the template of Samuel sleeping. I'm teaching this Sunday.
    I love your materials!! Thank you!

  66. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, I am wondering if you have the template of this somewhere to print, if you need to email here is my add. deeannisbell@gmail.com

  67. Unknown Avatar

    Hello! Fabulous craft! I would appreciate the template as well if you can email it to me that would be great (bucklegirl12@yahoo.com)! I always find myself on your page for ideas so thank you for sharing your talent with others. Your zeal for the Lord and love of teaching are very encouraging!

  68. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! Could you send me template for the Samuel sleeping craft as well? Thank you! (misty0705@comcast.net)

    1. Unknown Avatar

      Did anyone ever get this?

  69. Anonymous Avatar

    Hi, would you be able to send me the Samuel craft as well please?
    Thank you!

  70. The Cox Family Avatar
    The Cox Family

    Could you please send me the Samuel in bed template? Thanks so much! shannonpcox@gmail.com

  71. Unknown Avatar

    This is Awesome! Could I please have the template for Samuel in bed? Love it! amymckelvey2@yahoo.com

  72. pattyhepp Avatar

    Hi there, I just discovered your amazing site! It's very creative–thank you for sharing your ideas! Would you please send me the template for Samuel in bed? (and anything else for this lesson that you might have available?). Thank you so very much! pheppenstall@gmail.com

  73. pattyhepp Avatar

    Hi there, I just discovered your amazing site! It's very creative–thank you for sharing your ideas! Would you please send me the template for Samuel in bed? (and anything else for this lesson that you might have available?). Thank you so very much! pheppenstall@gmail.com

  74. hjvac25 Avatar

    Not sure if possible but can you send me the template for samuel as well ๐Ÿ™‚ Blessings (hjvac25@gmail.com)

  75. hjvac25 Avatar

    Not sure if possible but can you send me the template for samuel as well ๐Ÿ™‚ Blessings (hjvac25@gmail.com)

  76. Anonymous Avatar

    If possible can you sent me the template for the Take Home Samuel craft. I would love to use it in our nursery this month. Thanks! dhanson@gcfc.net

  77. Unknown Avatar

    Good morning! I was wondering if you could send me the template of Samuel in bed craft. Thank you! pfeaster35@hotmail.com

  78. Beth Avatar

    Could I please have a copy of this template? It's such a great craft! g3ckids@hotmail.com

  79. Anonymous Avatar

    I see everyone asking and would love your template for Samuel sleeping with the verse on the sheets. If you have anytime tonight I would love it. Thanks. katykmiec@comcast.net blessings!

  80. Sarah Mundy Avatar
    Sarah Mundy

    Hi! Would you be able to send me the take home activity template of Samuel in bed and directions you used to enlarge it as well? This is a wonderful idea & I'd love to be able to share it with my toddlers for this week's Samuel lesson craft. Thanks, sarahmundy06@gmail.com

  81. ASpears Avatar

    I would LOVE a copy of the template of Samuel in the bed if you don't mind sharing. ashley.spears@allen.kyschools.us

  82. pattyhepp Avatar

    Please let me know if you have the template for this activity–it's wonderful! pheppenstall@gmail.com

  83. Michelle Pritchett Avatar
    Michelle Pritchett

    Can you send me the template for the Samuel bed craft? mrpritchetts@gmail.com

  84. Jun Avatar

    Can I please have the template as well? Junli87@hotmail.com
    Thank you.

  85. Unknown Avatar

    Good Morning to a fellow Okie! Could you please send me a copy of the song you wrote? Would love to use it tomorrow for my kiddos. I love how much effort you put into the lessons. You have inspired me to step it up and stop relying on pre-made curriculum for kids that I love. Thank you so much for posting online! jenngrau.fskmail@gmail.com

  86. Unknown Avatar

    Hi can you please send me the craft for Samuel in the bed? Thank you!
    It is awesome! jryouse@gmail.com

  87. Unknown Avatar

    Hello! Love the Samuel sleeping with pull tab. Can you please email me the template? sarah.lofsness@gmail.com

  88. Kirstin White (Terwilliger) Avatar
    Kirstin White (Terwilliger)

    If you have a chance could you please email me the bed template as well? My preschoolers would love this pull tab craft. thank you so much in advance. kirstinpink03@gmail.com

  89. Unknown Avatar

    Hello, I see you have a lot of people asking for this, but would you mind e-mailing me the templates for your Samuel crafts? Wil use them in our Sunday School class this Sunday. Thanks so much, Eline (eline.freeman@gmail.com)

  90. Lois Avatar

    Hello. I am teaching the story about Samuel and Eli this Sunday. Could you please email me the bed template with the pull tab? Thanks so much. loiscurt@comcast.net

  91. letty Avatar

    Hello! Can you please email me Samuel template..Thank you so much. Letty letisiavargas@yahoo.com

  92. Unknown Avatar


    Can you please email te Samual template? Thank you verry much!!!

  93. Unknown Avatar

    Love the Samuel in bed craft! Could you email me the template as well?


  94. Karen Avatar

    I was wondering if I too could get a copy of the bed craft.



  95. Unknown Avatar

    Has anyone gotten a copy of this yet? I haven't.

  96. Christina Shafer Avatar
    Christina Shafer

    I would like to use your Samuel in bed craft for our missions trip VBS. Can you send me the template?

  97. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, I would really like the template, can you maybe email me? anniekewiegers@live.com

  98. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, could I please have the template for the Samuel in bed craft to use in my Sabbath School class.
    Many thanks! and keep up the good work for the Lord. My email is ana_cris7@yahoo.com

  99. Unknown Avatar

    Was anyone actually sent the craft?! I know I have not so I am wondering if its even something they give our for free.

  100. Becca Avatar

    Hi, could I please have the template for the Samuel in bed craft ? My email is: andreea_rebeca2008@yahoo.com

  101. Unknown Avatar

    hello can you share me this file please. My email is: julioalcecab@gmail.com thank you so much.

  102. Jessica Cox Avatar
    Jessica Cox

    Thank you so much for this awesome lesson! Can you please email me the Samuel in bed craft? My email is jessbcox@gmail.com

  103. Unknown Avatar

    I would love to have this template as well! My preschoolers will love this craft! smitchell@gracemontrose.org
    Thank you!

  104.   Avatar

    Not sure if you still check this but I would love a copy of your Samuel in bed craft. It would be perfect for our vbs. Johanna@stgilespresbyterian.com


  105. Jenny Avatar

    This is great, can I get the template too? jennachie@gmail.com

  106. Unknown Avatar

    Could you please send me the template for Samuel slider in bed? I love it. I'm teaching this Sunday. Super cute materials!!
    Thanks and God bless you!!! madams8@gmail.com

  107. Unknown Avatar

    I would love to have a copy of the Samuel in bed craft. DavisBnice @aol.com

  108. George P Avatar
    George P

    Great activity for this story. Would love the template please. Please send to jgprok2@gmail.com

  109. Money Saving Maine-iac Avatar
    Money Saving Maine-iac

    You are so creative! I found a sweet Samuel/Eli song here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyouqyzeBhE for the listening game. You have such a heart for the Lord and his children.

  110. Zsรณfi Avatar

    Hi! I will teach about Samuel tomorrow, I really like the idea about the Samuel in bed craft. Could you please send me the template? Thanks, Sophia.

  111. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Ronda,
    This is a great activity idea could you please email the templates to sarahjohn910@gmail.com. I am taking this lesson tomorrow.

  112. Shaped2Serve Avatar

    Hi, I am teaching this lesson on Sunday. If possible, please send the template. Thank you. Blessings. Diana.

    Send to. shaped2serve@gmail.com

  113. Sunday Avatar

    Could you please send the template of Samuel sleeping. This will be a perfect addition to the story. Thanks

  114. capthugeca Avatar

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Susan Avatar

    I love your activities for this lesson. If you are sharing the template I would love to us it. Thank you for your talents! susan101902@yahoo.com

  116. Unknown Avatar

    Hello, I am teaching this lessonn in Sunday school. Would love to get the template of Samuel in the bed. Thank you.

  117. Unknown Avatar

    Can you please send me the template for Samuel in bed. I'm teaching this lesson for Sunday School very soon.

    Thank you.

  118. Marcia Avatar

    I would GLADLY pay for a subscription to be able to use you vast teaching knowledge and creativity. I would love to be able to print your crafts and games,etc.

  119. Unknown Avatar

    I would really appreciate the template for Samuel in bed. I believe you also have one for Hannah praying. These crafts are so creative and great for my preschoolers.

  120. Emma Avatar

    I have been looking for a lovely paper craft as we have limited resources for our kids (I'm in Africa) and this is great. Would it be possible for you to email me a template of the Samuel in bed craft? My email is emma_lougheed@hotmail.com. Thank you

  121. Unknown Avatar

    would you please share your Samuel in bed and your Hannah template. or what do I need to do to obtain them? Thanks.

  122. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Ronda, I would love a copy of the template too! Can you please email to gracecheung2000@gmail.com ?

    Many thanks

  123. Unknown Avatar

    pls email to me at gracejoseph5@yahoo.com. Thanks alot.

  124. Mark Kern Avatar
    Mark Kern

    We would love to have a copy of the templates or the Samuel in Bed activity, too, please!

    Thanks for sharing your talents!

    Mark & Pat Kern

  125. Mary Smith Avatar
    Mary Smith

    Is it possible to send the template for Samuel in Bed as well as the song. blessings, Mary

  126. jessy Avatar

    Hi can you send me template for Samuel in Bed . Tank you !!! ajessi@gmail.com

  127. Val Avatar

    Good morning. Could you please send me a template for Samuel in Bed. Thank you. Blessings on you and your ministry. mvedwards40@bigpond.com

  128. Unknown Avatar

    Great ideas, love this! Could you please send me the template for Samuel in Bed? randi.l.siegel@gmail.com Thank you!

  129. Christina Avatar

    Wonderful craft! Would you please share the Samuel in bed craft template with me? christinazyd@yahoo.com. I will teach at Friday night service tomorrow. Very much appreciate it! God bless!~Christina

  130. azkathie Avatar

    Can I also get the template for Samuel in the bed craft please? What a wonderful craft. Thank you. My email is azkathie@me.com.

  131. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! Is it possible to get the template for the Samuel in bed craft template? My email is lyndsay.balmer@pennvalleychurch.org.


  132. Unknown Avatar

    Hi please may i also have the template for the Samuel craft. My email is sandra@thecresswells.me.uk

  133. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Ronda! May I have the template for the Samuel in bed craft as well? Thank you!

  134. Unknown Avatar

    I would LOVE the template too! I am always looking for great ideas for little ones to do. Thank you!

  135. Unknown Avatar

    I would also love to have the templates. And if possible an audio or video of you singing the song and the memory verse.

  136. azkathie Avatar

    Just wondering if the templates are available for Samuel in bed. If so, could I get a copy. My email is azkathie@me.com
    Thank you in advance!

  137. Unknown Avatar

    I love the craft, could you please send link to robyn-r@live.com!! Thanks so much!!

  138. Temitweety Avatar

    Hi, i love this craft, pls can you email me templtaes too. Temitolaojo@gmail.com. thanks a lot.

  139. Rachel Hays Avatar
    Rachel Hays

    Hi, can someone please send me the Samuel sleeping/awake template also. Thanks rhays15@gmail.com

  140. Hope Remains Avatar
    Hope Remains

    And please could someone send the sleeping Samuel template to me too. It looks great alfi@afholliday.co.uk

  141. Unknown Avatar

    Would love the Samuel sleeping/awake template for the kids in Guyana! julieglasshof@gmail.com Thank you!!

  142. Unknown Avatar

    I know you are probably busy and I hate to bother you but I was just wondering if they was any way you could send the template to me i would appreciate it so much . I thank you so much for your time clisaacs25@gmail.com

  143. Unknown Avatar

    Would you send the template to my email cheerardo@gmail.com. Thanks before

  144. Unknown Avatar


    I am teaching next Sunday. Your TAKE HOME activity, Samuel in bed is very interesting. Can you send the template to shinjub@gmail.com


  145. Unknown Avatar

    I would appreciate it if you could email me the God calls Samuel template. My email address is lauraehubb@gmail.com. Thanks much! ๐Ÿ™‚

  146. Unknown Avatar

    I would love to have the template for God calls Samuel. My email address is
    Thank you so much.

  147. Michelle Ashwini Avatar
    Michelle Ashwini

    Hi, I would appreciate if you could email me the God calls Samuel template. The bed slider craft. I would love to get my sunday school kids to do this. My email is michelleashwini@gmail.com. Thank you very much! ๐Ÿ™‚

  148. Unknown Avatar

    any chance we could get the bed slider within next few hours
    to branderichardson@gmail.com
    Thank you

  149. Unknown Avatar

    Please if anyone can email me the template of God calls Samuel?
    I will be teaching Samuel lesson this coming Sunday. I guess my kids will be happy with the eyes shut & open craft.
    My email address: feng_e88@hotmail.com
    Thank a lot.

  150. Unknown Avatar

    I love the craft, could you please send link to debhoganky@yahoo.com Thanks so much!!

  151. Anonymous Avatar

    Would I be able to have a copy of the template too, this is really great! It's kids@tollingtonparish.org.uk Thank you so much!!

  152. Megan Avatar

    Would really appreciate the template of the Samuel craft. Meganw727@hotmail.com

  153. Nancy Grace Avatar
    Nancy Grace

    Hi, Would you mind to send me the template for "Samuel in Bed" Craft please? nancy_grace@ymail.com

  154. Mari Avatar

    I would love to have a copy of the template for the Samuel craft (eyes open and shut)! My kiddos love making such fun crafts:) marinavmelnik@gmail.com

  155. Anonymous Avatar

    I have looked for this template and can't find it. I created one but it did not turn out as nice as yours. Would love to do yours on our next rotation of this lesson. Very creative! peterson4sha@cox.net

  156. Unknown Avatar

    I would really appreciate the template of the Samuel craft.Thank you! jullyan.lee@cedarpark.org

  157. Kerry Avatar

    Hi, I would appreciate if you could email me the God calls Samuel template, bed slider craft. I would love to get my sunday school kids to do this for our next lesson. My email is karinavivian@gmail.com Thank you very much!!

  158. unknown Avatar

    Hi, Was wondering if you would be able to send me the template for the craft about Samuel?
    My email is :nzfarmgal@icloud.com

  159. Susi Avatar

    Hi, could I please have a copy of the template for bed slider craft, we are teaching 1st Samuel at SSchool this Sunday. Susinrobert@gmail.com. Many thanks x

  160. Therese Avatar

    Hi, I would appreciate to have a copy of Samuel in bed craft, my email is theresewilliam@gmai.com, thanks.

  161. Unknown Avatar

    May I also please have a copy of the Samuel in bed craft? My email is adi@cfcemalahleni.co.za.
    Thank you!

  162. Renso Avatar

    I would like also ahve a copy of the template my email is johanna@4truth.ca
    Thank you

  163. Unknown Avatar

    I would really appreciate it if you sent me the template of the bed slider craft. My email is darosypovych@yahoo.com.
    Thanks in advance!

  164. jacsync Avatar

    Hi, I am wondering if you have the template of bed slider craft to print, if you need to email here is my id: jacsync@gmail.com

  165. Unknown Avatar

    Hello and good morning! I was searching for crafts for my sunday school lesson. Would you please email the template of Samuel and the bed slider activity if possible? Thank you so much and have a great day!

    1. Unknown Avatar

      Hello and Good morning. I was searching for crafts for my Sunday School lesson. Would you please email the template of Samuel and the bed slider activity if possible? Thank you so much and have a great day. christy.baldwin@ovsd.us

  166. renee Avatar

    could you please send me the template rreiss@sunburynazarene.org thanks!

  167. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, could i get a copy of the template too please? My1chelle@gmail.com Thank you

  168. jw Avatar

    Hi, I am teaching about Samuel this Sunday and would love to have the template for the kids to create. Can you please email to junewillis2@bellsouth.net Blessings,

  169. Unknown Avatar

    Could you send me the template? kcthom3210@gmail.com

  170. Gcharles88 Avatar

    Could I get this template as well? God bless! Gcharles88 @gmail.com

  171. Theodor Avatar

    Could I have it also? theobaz4u@yahoo.com Thank you!

  172. Unknown Avatar

    Could you please show me the back of the Samuel in bed slider craft? I have made my own version of the rest but cannot figure out how to make the part that slides. Thank you. trinam@kingofkingsomaha.org

  173. Yvette Avatar

    Hi Ronda would you pls send me the template of Samuel in bed? The one with slider?
    I appreciate it very much

  174. D.B. Avatar

    Here are some that i modified to work for us. https://imgur.com/a/xFoQCc8

  175. Unknown Avatar

    Could I get the template of Samuel in bed-with the slider?

    Thank you!

  176. Amy B Avatar
    Amy B

    Would you kindly send me the template as well please?

  177. Mary P Avatar
    Mary P

    could you also send me the samuel in bed template? I love it and would like to do for my kindergarden class. maryphares @ me. com

  178. Unknown Avatar

    would love a copy as well teachersmiles@yahoo.com

  179. Unknown Avatar

    could i please get this template cwmckenzie98@yahoo.com

  180. Unknown Avatar

    May I also get this template please and thank you! My email is mschliewe@stjohnredwood.org

  181. Unknown Avatar

    I would like the template for Samuel in bed as well. My email is csfondow@gmail.com. Thanks!

  182. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, I don't know if you are still active, but may I also get the template for Samuel in bed? My email is lesol808@gmail.com Thankyou!

  183. Unknown Avatar

    Hello, can we have a copy as well for our Sunday School class? childrenlabethel@gmail.com

  184. Donnagirl Avatar

    I would love a copy of the Templeton for Samuel in bed. My email is donnagirl007@outlook.com thank you so much.

  185. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, I would love to have the template Samuel in bed. Please send me olga.dovgalecs@gmail.com . Thanks. Blessings

  186. Unknown Avatar

    Not sure if you are still checking these comments but I would love to have the directions and template for the Samuel being called by God craft -that they pull and the verse appears on the bed. I am teaching that lesson this Sunday and I work hard to come up with meaningful and fun crafts/activities to reinforce the lesson. Thanks so much!

  187. Unknown Avatar

    Oops I forgot to give you my email! liz@sarasotacommunitychurch.org

  188. Unknown Avatar

    Can you send a the template for Samuel being called craft that they pull and the verse appears
    Thank you

  189. Jennifer Avatar

    Hello I would Really appreciate the template for Samuel in bed! Thank you in advance!
    My email is jennifercortez1212@gmail.com

  190. Unknown Avatar

    Hello I would really appreciate it if you can send me your template for Samuel in bed! Thank you in advance. My email: marlou6603@yahoo.com


  191. Unknown Avatar

    Hello, like everyone else, I too, would love the Samuel in bed template. Could you please email it to me? anna@realityventura.com

  192. Unknown Avatar

    I would love to be able to use this- are you able to email it to me – thanks so much

  193. Lois Avatar

    Hello I would really appreciate it if you can send me your template for Samuel in bed! Thank you in advance. My email: marlou6603@yahoo.com

  194. cdreeves78@gmail.com Avatar

    I also would appreciate the template for Samuel in bed. Thank you in advance!

  195. Sicollmer Avatar

    Hi! What a great project! Thanks for your creativity and hard work on this. Could you please send me the template for Samuel in bed? My email is sicollmer@gmail.com

    1. Marvslady Avatar

      Just curious did you ever get a reply or the template?

  196. Marvslady Avatar

    Do you have all the words of the Samuel song that you wrote? I'm teaching VBS and I thought that would be a fun game for the children but the bottom of the song is chopped off so I can't see all the words

  197. Unknown Avatar

    Hello ,
    I too would really appreciate it if you could send me your template for Samuel in bed. Thank you My email is brkapotter5350@gmail.com

  198. Averse Serenity Avatar
    Averse Serenity

    Hello. Could I please get a template for the Samuel in bed slider craft? Thank you! Stacyface84@yahoo.com

  199. Life of Joy Avatar
    Life of Joy

    I would love to have the template for Samuel in bed. Thank you so much. Wpack97@gmail.com

  200. Unknown Avatar

    I teach tomorrow and would love to have the song you wrote for the listening game. I did find a printable template for the bed. I want to thank you for sharing your wonderful lesson and activities with us. I don't know if it would be possible to email me anything but I will leave my email just in case. misd123@aol.com

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