Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Trash Into Treasure!!!!

I was out doing some Thrift Store Shopping recently and I found this “TREASURE.”  I was so excited and immediately knew what I was going to do with it.  I knew I wanted to recode the game and turn it into a BIBLE Matching Game. 
I knew one of my favorite clip art programs would be perfect for this project.  I used my computer program to size them to fit and then printed them on sticker paper.  Since I can not seem to cut a STRAIGHT line, My DH  cut them for me on the cutting machine.  🙂  He is always so helpful.   

Then the REAL work began.  I peel and stuck two of every picture to those tiny squares.  It was a labor of love….Because, I LOVED the reaction of the kiddos when they got to play it on Sunday.  (More about that later.)

I LOVE the clip art…and the kiddos really seem to enjoy this game.  You see, this is how we play the game.  In order to get to turn over pieces the kiddos have to answer a Bible Question.  It has been a great way to review Bible Facts.  The great thing is that we do NOT have to restart the game each Sunday.  I have just left the matches turned up right and we keep attempting to get them all turned over by the kiddos answering Bible questions and turning over the tiles. 

Here is the completed board.  As you can see I have a few missing tiles….However, it does not stop us from using it as a way to review our Bible Facts.  

I would like to encourage you to think about things you find at yard sales, thrift stores or even your child’s toy box.  If you always keep in mind the question, “Could I turn this into something for Bible Class?”  you will be amazed at how many everyday objects become great TREASURES for teaching Bible Stories and Lessons.  






  1. Vivian Thiele Avatar

    I just love this idea! What fun this would be for my kiddos! Will have to keep my eyes out for games at the thrift stores.

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    Thanks Vivian…I love bringing "NEW" life to outdated things….LOL

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