Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Best Friends: David and Jonathan

I am EXTREMELY excited!!!!!!  My excitement stems from the fact that this upcoming Sunday begins my NEW Quarter with the KIDDOS.  We are continuing to EXPLORE Bible History.  We will be wearing our “Explorer Hats” and singing “We Are Bible Explorers.”   We do this at the beginning of each NEW Quarter. 
Since we left off with David and Goliath…we will be picking up with David and Jonathan.  I love the story of  David and Jonathan because it is truly a story of BEST friends.  We learn so much about TRUE friendship when we study the friendship of David and Jonathan.   

Home Connection Workbook

We have a few NEW additions to this Quarter’s Material. I have added a “HOME CONNECTION” Workbook.  I hope the Workbook will spawn more interaction between the parents and children as they review the lessons that they have learned.    I am looking forward to seeing the response to the new Workbook.  I will keep you posted on the reaction of both the PARENTS and the Kiddos. 

Memory Verse Sticker Page
The inside of the Home Connection Workbook is fill with Puzzles, Memory Verse Work, Questions, etc.  I have also included a Memory Verse Sticker Page….The Kiddos will place a sticker in each square IF they know their Memory Verse. 
Assigned on 1st Sunday
Assigned on 2nd Sunday

THIS is this weeks and next weeks Home Connection Workbook Pages.    The Kiddos will have from Sunday to Sunday to complete the pages.  (I am currently teaching each lesson for 2 weeks.)  The first week we introduce the lesson…the second week we will REVIEW the lesson, making sure the KIDDOS really understood what they learned. 

Now on with what we will be doing during class THIS Sunday.    To introduce the lesson on David and Jonathan I am going to ask the KIDDOS if they know what the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP.  We will add the word FRIEND to our WORD-WALL.  I will also, ask them if they know what the word JEALOUS means.  We will add that word to our WORD-WALL too. 
We will have several CARDS to add to our Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? WALL.  Because, I like to make sure the KIDDOS can answer these questions about our lessons we have a entire WALL of our Classroom dedicated to the Who? What? When? Where? and Why? of each lesson.   
As we get into the story I will be using these visuals.  They were easily made…I used a clip art program, a bit of manipulation of the pictures then printed and laminated them.  Because, I wanted them to stand up,  I stuck them to these picture easels that I bought at the Dollar Tree.    I LOVE having eye catching VISUALS….  We will also be singing the song, “DAVID AND JONATHAN WERE BEST FRIENDS.” by: rld.
The KIDDOS will be making their OWN Quiver as their TAKE HOME project.  These are made from PRINGLES and Yarn.  The arrows are made from a variety of colored cardstock.  Each arrow has a quality of GOOD FRIENDSHIP on it.  The kiddo will color and add the stickers.  I know the BOYS are going to be VERY EXCITED about this activity.  🙂
Our Memory Verse is Proverbs 17:17.  I thought this was a PERFECT MEMORY VERSE for this lesson.  The KIDDOS get a MV card just like this one.  They can color the picture and take it home as a reminder of the need to MEMORIZE their Memory Verse.    During Class we will sing this to the tune:  Frere Jacques.
I have added a “NEW” place to our MAP.  I added “The Stone of Ezel” which is said to be in a field between Ramah and Nob.    I love having a KID friendly map up in our room.  
 Review Game is a BOW and ARROW Game!!! 
Questions For Our Review Game

Target For Our Review Game
Our REVIEW game will surly be very exciting!!!  The kiddos will get an opportunity to SHOOT an ARROW!!!  My plans are for the kiddos to ANSWER one of the question from the lesson (I printed them on ARROWS to go along with the lesson.) after which they will get the
                                    opportunity to shoot an arrow at the target! 
(The bow and arrow are a nerf style product.  I purchased it at our local Walmart.) 
Next Sunday we will be REVIEWING this lesson and doing our EXPLORER JOURNAL Activity!!!  The Explorer Journal Activity will consist of a Picture of David and Jonathan….the Kiddos will color it and add a BOW (made out of popcicle sticks) and a small arrow.   
I LOVE their LOVE of their Explorer Journals.  I have had parents tell me that their past Explorer Journals have become some of their FAVORITE books to look through.  I love it because it takes all those projects that have a tendency to end up in the floorboard of the car or left behind in the pew and keeps them in a SPECIAL place for the children to TREASURE!  
We are looking forward to an exciting Quarter.  Please keep checking back and see the exciting times we are having during BIBLE CLASS.


  1. Stella Douglas Midwife to Change Avatar

    I LOVE your enthusiasm and cool ideas to get kids to engage and retain! God Bless your efforts woman, for His Spirit and annointing are upon you!


  2. CaSandra Avatar

    I was curious if you offer any of these as free printable? This is the lesson planned for tomorrow that I was asked to teach! THANKS! CaSandra WarmWinterWishes@yahoo.com

  3. Dana Avatar

    Do you have pdf files of the items you are using this is the lesson in our books for next Sunday and this will come in handy, as we continue to study the lessons in our children's church. danapendarvis@yahoo.com

  4. Unknown Avatar

    Pamela McDaniel

    I love your visual, I am sure the children learn well with these, you make them very interesting. I was wondering if you have a pdf file on your work. pamelamcdaniel@yahoo.com Thanks

  5. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! Thank you for sharing all of your Bible teaching lesson ideas. You are using your talent to honor God so beautifully! Is there a way that I can print the bow and arrow review game for the David and Jonathan lesson?
    I viewed the image on Pinterest but am unable to print anything. My email is landreas@satx.rr.com. Thanks!

  6. Loren Avatar

    I am curious as well about the bow and arrow review game? Do you share your work? If so I would love a copy of that game also! lorenandjason@hotmail.com

  7. Unknown Avatar

    Your idea and work is so wonderful. I"d like to use it in this summer camp at our church. Could you share your work of David and Jonathan lesson? My email is inewkwon@gmail.com

  8. Friendly Neighborhood Redhead Avatar

    I love all your lessons (and have used many as inspiration when I teach the littles at church and at home!). I was wondering if you would share your David and Jonathan lesson? So neat!! tracy.diane@gmail.com

  9. Unknown Avatar

    I am a Sunday school teacher and I home school my Special Needs daughter. I would love to receive some of your materials…. Especially this one. Can you tell me if you share? THANK YOU!

  10. Friendly Neighborhood Redhead Avatar

    Do you have any of these offered as a printable? I would love to use them for my Sunday School class! In Him, Tracy Watts tracy.diane@gmail.com

  11. ACJVS Avatar

    These look awesome and it would be so great if you had a pdf printable for the questions? Please advise and thanks so much for sharing!

  12. krusethru Avatar

    Is there a place to purchase this or get a download? krusethru@gmail.com

  13. Unknown Avatar

    I'd love to use the explorers notebooks in my classroom for church. Do you have them available to purchase or download? Please email me at preschool@churchlt.com

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