Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Child’s Table Turn Interactive Bible Time Visual Map!!!

Just wanted to share a VISUAL AID that I REALLY LOVE!!!!! This is a WONDERFUL Visual Aid.  It is interactive and the Kiddos really LOVE this one too!! 
This is one of those VISUAL AIDS that stays in my classroom ALL THE TIME!!!! It is so convenient to use, simply by having it in the room.  One of my favorite things to see is when one of my KIDDOS will “Teach” the other Kiddos a Bible Story at this table.  They are so sweet!!!!

To make this Visual Aid I used a child’s size table that had belonged to my children.  I purchased this table YEARS ago at a garage sale for $3.00.  It was in good condition when I bought it….but after going through my kiddos it had been colored on, marked up with markers, had glue stuck to the top it really was in very USED condition.  So, knowing that this table had “good bones” and was very sturdy…it just looked REALLY bad….I decided to turn it into a Bible Lands Table.  I simply painted the top to resemble the Land of Canaan….I added sand to the paint to give it some texture…and then sprayed it with a clear coat of varnish.  Then I let it dry for SEVERAL days…and it was READY for USE!!!!
You see, I had all these little Bible Characters that I had purchased at the Dollar Tree….and they needed a home.   This Bible Land Table was the PERFECT home for my little Bible Characters.  I LOVE how this turned out!!!!  Whenever the little ones are over at this table and telling different Bible stories…well, can you say SMILE….because, that is EXACTLY what I do!!!!  

My encouragement is to RETHINK an items purpose.  Can you take something that your children have outgrown, don’t use, don’t want and turn it into something useful for Bible Class?  A little paint, a glue gun, a bit of sewing, fabric, etc.  The possibilities are ENDLESS!!!!!!  

BTW, I often get teased about those multiple KIDS MEALS TOYS that I buy….Well, those PALM TREES came in KID MEALS back in the 90’s.  I have used those trees for several different stories…BUT, I REALLY love having them when I teach on Deborah!!!




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  1. Sue Bo Avatar

    I was wondering when you purchased those cute Bible characters? I can't find them anywhere.

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    I bought most of them at the Dollar Tree. However, I found some of them at Mardel Bible Book store.

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