I recently had a request for me to POST the tune to this song. We sang this song A LOT when we were learning about MOSES.
The KIDDOS loved singing this song and quickly memorized the Ten Commandments. This became a weekly requested song. 🙂
I LOVE to teach BIBLE STORIES via Songs…The KIDDOS seem to retain so much more of the story when there is a SONG to go along with the story. I have found singing Bible Stories, Facts, Truths, etc. to be very beneficial
(BTW, YOU can sing this to a RAP STYLE BEAT…Older KIDDOS seem to REALLY love singing it THAT way.)
If you are interested in ordering a Song Book please send me an email. Each Songbook comes with 2 CD’s. 1 Old Testament Songs and 1 New Testament Songs. I can email you an “Order Form.”
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