Hands On Bible Teacher Title

On Top Of Mount Carmel Song—By Ronda Duvall

Just wanted to share…
This is the song we sang this morning during Bible Class.

We sung it to the tune:  “On Top Of Old Smokey.”  

The KIDDOS LOVED this song…so we ended up singing it more than once.

Now, to give you a bit of insight into my life.   I FRETTED all week… All because, I did NOT have a song to go with this lesson.  🙁  This morning, as I was getting the last few things done in my classroom, before the KIDDOS arrived…this song HIT ME!!!!  I was soooo excited.  So, I quickly “scratched” it down on note book paper…We sang it!  The KIDDOS LOVED IT!!!!!   I was sooooo HAPPY!!!!  🙂

I LOVE when things come together…especially when the KIDDOS seem as excited about something as I am!!!





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  1. Paul and Peggy Avatar

    HI – I am so impressed with all of your creative ideas! I am very interested in purchasing 2-3 of your old testament books. Do you still happen to be selling them? I am wanting to create a bulletin board and your's is by far the best I've seen!
    Peggy (peggyjwilkinson@yahoo.com)

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    Thank You Peggy…I will be sending you an email soon. Your kind words are so encouraging.



  3. LASmith Avatar

    Are we allowed to use your songs? This one is so cute! I know my SS kids would love it!

  4. Unknown Avatar

    I love your ideas on Pinterest! I am very interested in purchasing some of your lesson books. If possible could you send me the info on how to get them. Thanks! Drusanne Hunter (five_h_s@hotmail.com)

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