Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Making Visuals for Bible Class

Let me first say this has been a CRAZY few weeks.  Some of the
CRAZINESS has taken me SHOPPING!!!!   LOL.    I love it when CRAZY means
it is time to shop!!!

So, my first excursion took me
to the Dollar General.  I have not done a LOT of shopping there..but,
after these FINDS I will have to add them to my list of places to CHECK
out  a little more often.  

I found these adorable little skeletons….I bought them for the FUTURE.  I will be teaching on Ezekiel and The Valley of Dry Bones….although it will be a while before, I actually teach a this lesson….NOW is the time to find things like Skeletons.  And, I LOVED the fact that these are an OFF white color.  Kinda look OLD and Dry.  

I also picked up two packages of these battery operated flickering candles.  These are really cool…when they are on they are orangy/red.  I think they will be great for Altars…and I am even thinking about the Cloven Tongues of Fire on the Day of Pentecost.   Not sure yet…but, I loved the COLOR…and I am SURE I will do something FUN with them!!!

I also found these little POTS…I know they are supposed to be Cauldrens…BUT, I am thinking they will work for any BIBLE Story that calls for a POT.  Jacob/Esau.  Elisha and Jericho.  ETC.  
I was REALLY excited when I found these.  It will be a long time before I get the the Birth Of Jesus….But, when I do…each of my KIDDOS will get to MAKE their OWN STABLE.  Of course, I will not be giving them the Wise men since we all know that the Wise men did not actually visit the stable.  
While looking around the Dollar General Store, I stumbled across their clearance section.  They had these trays on sale for 50 Cents each.    I picked up several of them….with my thought being that in the future, we will use them for the Creation Story.  It will be a REALLY LONG time before I get back to the Creation Story…But, when I do we will use these to SORT the Days of Creation into each section.  
Then next shopping
excursion took me to the DOLLAR TREE!!!  I know you ALL know I LOVE the
Dollar Tree!!!  It is a wonderful place to FIND items for Bible Class.

Well, the first things I found got me to thinking about the Book of Daniel.  I am going to need a golden statue when we get the the story of Nebuchadnezzar.  So what spawned all the thinking about Nebuchadnezzar well it was a Ninja Action figure and a Golden Trophy.    I don’t know why…but, as soon as I saw the golden cup…then the Ninjas —I just started thinking…Nebuchadnezzar’s Golden Statue. 
All it needed was a little bit of glue and some GOLD spray paint!!!

Then, I found these FOAM Door Hangers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I nearly let loose with one of my REALLY Happy Squeals…but, caught myself…and so, it sort of sounded like an over excited mouse.   

Each of these packages comes with 3 Door Hangers…and I quickly did the math.  19 Kings of Israel and 19 Kings of Judah  plus 1 evil Queen…. means I need a total of 39 Door Hangers.  So that meant I needed 13 Packages….Holding my breath, I began to put them in the cart.  There was plenty!!!!  YAY!!!!

   Sorry for the blurry picture!  Phone Camera in Use.

This is WHY I got so excited!!!  I was not going to be using them as DOOR HANGERS….I wanted to make them into a fun way to REVIEW the KINGS.  (I only have the Kings of Israel made at this time…)  All of the Kings of Israel were WICKED..so, ALL of these have a SAD face.    

When I make the Kings of Judah set, we will finally have a few Kings that get to have a smile!! 

Each card has the King’s name, How LONG they Reigned, Wicked/Righteous, 
A major FACT about that King and the Scripture References to the King.
 This is going to be a fun Review “GAME” to “PLAY” with the KIDDOS.  We will talk about each King..and then put them in order, etc. 

 Hope you enjoyed my crazy shopping trips!!!!  




  1. MomS. Avatar

    I was in Joann Fabrics yesterday and found some fake gourds that I got to use for Jonah sitting under the tree pouting. What a fun way to go shopping

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    OOOH!!!! I LOVE that idea!!!!!! Thanks for sharing

  3. Kirsty Avatar

    Shops like this are made for Sunday School teachers!
    I love your kings visual. Very clever.

  4. Unknown Avatar

    I would like to print the flash cards information about each of the kings. Are they available?/Erlene Long

  5. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Ronda, love your ideas! I been teaching Sunday school for a few years now. After a little research, I came across your blog. I want to teach Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones this month but I am a little worried that parents might misunderstand it and take it as something evil. Please give me your opinion. Thanks in advance, blessings.

  6. Rebecca Martinez Avatar

    I too would like to print the flash cards! Are they available? Rebecca ��

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