Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Review Northern Nation of Israel & Conference

WOW!!!!  We have had a WONDERFUL Adventure Exploring through the History of the Northern Nation of Israel.  This SUNDAY brings this series of lessons to a close.  So, we will have a Review and Conference Sunday.  During class time we will review ALL that we covered….AT the end of class I will have a short conference with the parents…and the KIDDOS will get to take home their EXPLORER JOURNALS!  

The KIDDOS were introduced to KINGS and PROPHETS!!!!   We were very busy during these lessons….We learned SOOOO much!!!  I LOVE looking back at what the KIDDOS made as their “TAKE HOME” activity.    

We started out learning about the KINGDOM Dividing and ended up with Israel going into Assyrian Captivity.  This Sunday we will have our REVIEW of ALL the LESSONS we covered on the KINGS of ISRAEL.    I am excited to see what the KIDDOS remember about each story.  

I will also challenge the KIDDOS to recall their PAST Memory Verses.  Since all the MEMORY Verses have been sung to a tune…it should be fairly easy to for the KIDDOS to say them.  I also have the Memory Verses on display for the KIDDOS.  That will help the KIDDOS recall the Memory Verses. 
have the KIDDOS past activities on DISPLAY….I also have my 19 LITTLE KINGS of Israel lined up on the FRONT of the TABLE.  This will be handy when we sing the Kings of Israel song.
Beneath the TABLE you will see the KIDDO‘S Explorer Journals.  They are excited about taking them home this week.  (I let them know this past Sunday that they were going to get to take home their Explorer Journal next week….immediately there was JOY amongst the KIDDOS.)
It is really FUN to see all our PAST ACTIVITES again.  I can’t help but SMILE when I see these activites again.  We WORKED so hard and LEARNED so much while really having a “FUN” time learning!!!
The KIDDOS will also talk about the “Explorer Journal” Activity Display.  I think it is important to display past lessons…after all, I don’t want the KIDDOS to forget something that they have learned.  
To help with our review we have been working on this “CHART.”  I have 19 different KINGS stuck to the white board….I wrote a KINGS Name next to each of the little KINGS…and the KIDDOS have helped fill in the BOARD with information they remembered about the Kings.  This has been challenging and fun for the KIDDOS.   They began working on this while I was gone to FLORIDA and we continued working on it once I returned home.  


I have enjoyed teaching the KIDDOS the HISTORY of the NORTHERN NATION of Israel.  I was met with a few challenges along the way…These are not necessarily the easiest lessons to teach 4-8 years olds…but, SO WORTH teaching to them.  There has been so many opportunities for me to talk about GODLY BEHAVIOR, OBEDIENCE, DEDICATION, etc.


  1. Jessie Avatar

    Do you make any of this available for other's to print! I'm a missionary in Honduras and could really use a lot of this!

  2. Jessie Avatar

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