Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Memorizing The Books of The Bible.

 This is an ONGOING Adventure.  So, I wanted to SHARE with you the EXCITEMENT over this FUN WAY of Memorizing the Books of The Bible.  

I wish I was able to express in word the excitement of the KIDDOS over these MILK CAPS!!!!  You would think I was passing our GOLD!  They cannot WAIT to tell me the BOOKS that they have MEMORIZED—so that they can get their NEXT MILK CAP!!!!  Even my youngest student is MAKING SUCH WONDERFUL PROGRESS in getting their Books Of The Bible Memorized!!!!    

SHARING MOMENT!!!  I recently had a visiting KIDDO that told her parents all about the MILK CAPS!!!  So much so, that her parents came and talked with me about “HOW EXCITED SHE WAS” about this WAY of MEMORIZING The Books of The Bible.  🙂  Makes me so happy!!!!!!!!! 

Because, I believe in using MULTIPLE WAYS of accomplishing a TASK… I often allow the KIDDOS to “PLAY” on the Magnetic Board with me….I will scramble the BOOKS of the Bible on the Board and let the KIDDOS PUT them into the CORRECT ORDER!!!!   

SHARING MOMENT!!!  Just to SHARE another moment that made me smile.    This past Sunday, we did not have an opportunity to WORK at the Magnetic Board.  But, when I walked into the CLASSROOM on THURSDAY, (I needed to start getting things ready for this Sunday.) I noticed all the Books were PUT into correct order!!!!  I was so happy that my Co-Teacher spent time with the KIDDOS at the Magnetic Board.    I could NOT help but SMILE!!!!!!    

I’ll keep you posted on the PROGRESS of Memorizing The Books of The Bible via Milk Caps.  




  1. The B's Avatar

    your blog is AMAZING! I found it as I was googling the Armour of God. Wow!!! What great ideas you have!!! Where did you get your templates for the different pieces of armour? Thanks so much for your help!!!

  2. Heather West Avatar

    Thats a great idea giving them the books they know and each book as they learn it. So they dont feel over welhemed. I <3 your blog.

  3. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    Thanks for the kind words.

    The "Templates" are items I have designed that are going to eventually be part of the finished Curriculum.

  4. Unknown Avatar

    What exactly are you doing with the bottle caps, you just hinted on it, I see no link to follow

  5. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    Patty, they are using them as a way of memorizing the Books of the Bible. Follow this link http://handsonbibleteacher.blogspot.com/2013/03/memorizing-books-of-bible.html Let me know if you have more questions.

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