Hands On Bible Teacher Title


past Sunday we had a new lesson!  Our lesson was about KING UZZIAH,
also known as Azariah.    Uzziah begins his reign at the tender age of
16 years old.  He starts out as a good and godly King of Judah.  He has
wonderful influences in his life.  His father Amaziah, was a godly King
and  Zachariah, the PROPHET were strong influences in his life.  Uzziah
built up and strengthened the Nation of Judah.  His armies were so
strong that, other nations paid tribute to King Uzziah.  He was know for
his military strength.  Uzziah was also know for his love for the LAND
of Judah. Matter-of-fact, he loved the land so much that he planted
crops and vineyards all though out the land of Judah and dug wells for
all of his livestock. He was a very successful king. 


after Zachariah, the prophet died–Uzziah begins to “CHANGE.”  His
FAME, SUCCESSES and FORTUNE goes right to his head.  He becomes arrogant
and full of PRIDE.  HE makes a BIG mistake when he entered the temple
and  offer incense upon the altar.  THIS was WRONG.  The priest tried to
stop him…but, his PRIDE got in the way….GOD punished him and he was
cursed with leprosy.  What a sad story.  So many lesson for us today. 
PRIDE is a dangerous thing!

I want to make sure the KIDDOS understand the difference between PRIDE and humility.  So, we added these “new” words to our WORD WALL!

We learned a new song this past Sunday.  The KIDDOS loved singing this one.  🙂  

If you want to hear this song you can click this link…  Uzziah’s PRIDE Song.

I love it when the KIDDOS ask to “SING IT AGAIN, Ms Ronda.”

We have a new Memory Verse for this lesson.  We sung this Memory Verse to the tune: “If you’re happy and you know it…”  Most of the KIDDOS were able to tell me the Memory Verse before Bible Class time was over. 

Our MAP WALL/REVIEW WALL is beginning to fill up.  I love displaying our PAST “EXPLORER JOURNAL” activities and MEMORY VERSES this way.  It make it so easy to review past lessons.  

wanted something “different” for VISUAL AIDES.  So, I decided to go
small and magnetic.  I used CLIP ART and my own drawings to make these
visuals.  Printed, Laminated and added Magnetic Tape to the backs…This
makes them easy to attach to a COOKIE SHEET.    As I told the the
story, I placed the PIECES onto the cookie sheet.  I used the FRONT of
the cookie sheet to display UZZIAH’S successes and then flipped the
cookie sheet over to tell the REST of the STORY.  

am going to pass the pieces out and have the KIDDOS place them on the
cookie sheet!!  The clip art I used came from PRINT MASTER computer
program, SELF DRAWN Clip Art and http://www.freechristianillustrations.com/clipart.html. (I
am in NO WAY affilated with this clip art company.  I do not receive
any PERKS, COMPENSATION or FINANCIAL benefits by posting this link.  I
only post the link as a service to my readers.)

Interactive Bulletin Board is BURSTING with NEW information for the
use this Bulletin Board WEEKLY!!!  We refer to PAST KINGS and EXAMINE
the CURRENT KING we are learning about.  The KIDDOS LOVE seeing the
SMILING KINGS placed on the board. 

We have a NEW PROPHET…..I am amazed by the KIDDOS ability to REMEMBER who the PROPHET prophesied too!!  (PLEASE ignore the cords….I was using my HOT GLUE gun and Computer the day I took this pic.)

Our “TAKE HOME” activity was super simple to make!  

found these “Design Your Own Cups” at Walmart.  I bought them during
their Valentines Clearance Sale… I got most of them at 75% off. 
However,  I did manage to find a few of them when they dropped to 90%
off!!! I love Clearance!

 I designed the insert on the computer….I made one for Girls and one for Boys. 

ADD to the “SPECIALNESS” of this activity, I allowed the KIDDOS to use
my MARKERS.  (OF COURSE they got the “SPEECH.”  “Do not draw on
yourself, Do not draw on your clothes, Do not draw on the table, Do not
draw on each other, Put the caps back on before getting a NEW color.”) 
We had no Marker Catastrophes this week!!  The KIDDOS also we given 3D
Glittery Heart Stickers to add to their insert.  They LOVED this project
and were so excited to show them to their parents. 

Our REVIEW GAME this week is: “PRIDE goes before a FALL.”  

KIDDOS will PULL down a PIECE of the word PRIDE.  I have questions on
each piece…if the KIDDOS answer the question correctly they get to
PULL IT DOWN….I have found KIDDOS love PULLING OFF items.  

week during our Review Week the  KIDDOS will be making a Leprosy
covered Uzziah.  The KIDDOS will color King Uzziah, add a Censer Sticker
(this was made from Print Master clip art.) and then add the
“Leprosy.”  The “Leprosy” is  Paper Hole Reinforcers.  After the KIDDOS
stick on the “Leprosy” they can color the “hole” red or yellow.   By the
way, the Censer Sticker is 3D.  I forgot to take a picture of how the
censer seems to POP up off the page.  I used FOAMY double sided sticker
dots to make these appear to POP off the page. 

was a wonderful lesson to EXPLORE with the KIDDOS.  I LOVE seeing the
KIDDOS “GET” the POINT to a lesson.  I had one of my KIDDOS say, “Uzziah
should have given GOD the credit.”  Could not have been happier!!!!  




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