Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Jeremiah the YOUNG PROPHET

Our NEW LESSON for this week is about the prophet JEREMIAH!!!  I LOVE Jeremiah.   He is a WONDERFUL EXAMPLE for all of us—but, especially for young people!!  I am excited about teaching this LESSON.  I love how the KIDDOS seem to connect with the YOUNG people in the Bible.  They seem so excited when they find out that YOUNG people can and did do GREAT THINGS for GOD!!!

This is our Do You Know Wall?  I feel if the KIDDOS can answer these questions they UNDERSTAND what they have learned!!  

We have some NEW information on our ever growing Bulletin Board. WE have added JEREMIAH the PROPHET!!!  Currently he is placed by the crown of Josiah. Remember, Josiah was KING when GOD CALLED JEREMIAH to be HIS Prophet.  

We have also added a PROPHET CARD to the PROPHET LINE under the Bulletin Board.  

We have added Jeremiah the Prophet to our GOD’S AWESOME PLAN for MAN, TIMELINE!!!  

The KIDDOS will have two new words to add to the WORD WALL.  PUNISH and AFRAID.  

Although I am sure they KNOW the basic meaning to these WORDS I want to make sure they understand HOW these WORDS are important parts of this story.  (Truly the KIDDOS will be able to RELATE to these two WORDS.)

This weeks Memory Verse comes directly from the TEXT.  It is GOD’S promise to Jeremiah.  I LOVE the comfort and strength found in this verse!!  

If you want to hear the tune we will be singing this Memory Verse to, just click this link below.  It will open up the Facebook Page for HOBT.  

Jeremiah 1:9 Memory Verse Tune by Ronda L. Duvall

The KIDDOS will be learning this song during this lesson.  I feel this is a VERY catchy song….so, hopefully they will be singing it throughout the next two weeks.  ๐Ÿ™‚  I hope their parents do not mind.  

If you would like to hear this song click on the link below.  It will open up the Facebook Page for HOBT.  

Jeremiah Was a Young Man…by: Ronda Duvall.

I would open the FB page and let it play as you read the words from this page…for some reason my video on FB is NOT very good quality.  

The KIDDOS will be making a Jeremiah The Prophet Puppet as their TAKE HOME project.  

These are made from Brown Paper Lunch Size Bags.  I did draw the FACE, MOUTH, ETC. Then I  Copied them onto CARD STOCK paper for stability purposes.  I HOPE he looks YOUNG!!    By the way, I am going to have the KIDDOS carefully WRITE the MEMORY VERSE inside Jeremiah’s Mouth.  

I just realized I had not shown you our VISUAL.  I am still using the PICTURE frame to HOLD up this weeks VISUAL.  I decided to go with a POSTER style VISUAL since we are making PUPPETS.  After we get the PUPPETS made, I am going to have the KIDDOS help me “RETELL” the story.  

OUR review game is similar to games we have played in the past….AS the KIDDOS answer a question from the story they will get to help “OPEN” Jeremiah’s Mouth.  To simply say it, they will remove a piece of the PUZZLE.  Under the PUZZLE PIECES it reads, “I HAVE PUT MY WORDS IN YOUR MOUTH.”

Next week will be our REVIEW WEEK.  During this CLASS time the KIDDOS will make their “EXPLORER JOURNAL” project.  I know they will be EXCITED about this one!

The KIDDOS will get to glue on a “BIG” 3-D hand coming out of COTTON BALL clouds and touching Jeremiah’s mouth.  After all the Bible tells us, Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth…”  Jeremiah 1:9a
I bought the hands at the DOLLAR TREE.  They were in the teacher/school supply area.  They are originally pointers.  However, with a gentle twist the hand popped right off.   The only dilemma —NOW, I am wondering what I am going to do with all those POINTER RODS.  LOL.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing what the KIDDOS will be doing during Bible Class on Sunday.  I LOVE seeing how excited they get—WE WANT THEM EXCITED!!!!  After all, they are learning LIFE CHANGING and SOUL SAVING Lessons.  




  1. Stephanie Avatar

    What a blessing reading your blog is! I want to come to your bible class and I'm 30 years old. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    I love hearing that…I have MORE adults asking me if they can visit our Bible Class. My only rule: WHAT I DO IN BIBLE CLASS STAYS IN BIBLE CLASS. Since I have been known to get down in the floor with the KIDDOS, use CRAZY VOICES and ACT the age of the KIDDOS I am teaching. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Faye Avatar

    This is a very cute way to show off the story of Jeremiah.

    Beauty Against the Beast

  4. Unknown Avatar

    For Jeremiah the prophet puppet, do you have a printable of that?

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