A New Year always brings about changes in the Bible Class Rooms, New Materials being Taught, and THINGS to get done. This week I have been busy making NEW “I Can Take Notes During Worship” note books for all the KIDDOS!!!
We make these for all the KIDDOS that attend…We want our KIDDOS to PAY attention during WORSHIP and have found that these NOTEBOOKS help facilitate the KIDDOS LISTENING SKILLS.
I LOVE seeing the KIDDOS listening and marking down the INFORMATION that is requested on each page.
The first page has a place for the Preacher’s Name…. The Date… The SONGS we sang… Scripture Reading…. The Verses the Preacher uses during his Sermon… A place to list the KIDDOS favorite SONG we sang on that Sunday and WORDS TO LISTEN FOR….When the Preacher says those WORDS the KIDDDOS are to mark a TALLY in the square of that PARTICULAR they hear. If the Preacher says a one of those words 10 TIMES the KIDDOS get to make a big “X” in the box….Seeing if they can get a “Tic-Tac-Toe.” (This is NEW to this years notebook!!! The KIDDOS are going to enjoy this….I have already asked several and they really LIKED the idea.)
On the opposite page the KIDDOS have a place to write down the Bible Detective Question. There is a place for the KIDDOS to draw a picture that GOES along with the LESSON. There is a place for the KIDDOS to write down any questions that they have regarding the lesson. Then finally a place to TRACK their DAILY BIBLE READING!
Here is a SAMPLE of LAST YEARS book being put to use.
We always have single sheets available in the foyer—these are great for VISITING KIDDOS and if one of the KIDDOS forgets their NOTEBOOK at home.
Hope you have enjoyed this post.
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