Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Dollar Tree Shopping….YOU WILL BE AMAZED at what you can find for Bible Class

I am an avid Dollar Tree shopper. However, I want to make something clear…I do NOT receive any COMPENSATION, PERKS, or FINANCIAL BENEFIT by mentioning Dollar Tree on my website.  I am merely SHARING pictures of items I have found at the DOLLAR TREE—that I FEEL have a BENEFIT for BIBLE CLASS Teachers.    I am going to attempt to SHARE a POST like this one from time to time…so, that if you are looking for something you might be able to FIND it.  🙂

As I was walking down the CRAFT aisle, I spotted these little wooden LION MASKS.    I feel these would be great for the DANIEL and the LIONS DEN story.  KIDDOS love MASKS!!

In that same Craft area, I spotted these Foam Crowns….These would be fun for the KIDDOS to decorate and wear…SO many STORIES with KINGS…and even for the story of QUEEN ESTHER.    Notice the little CROWN WANDS…these could be great for a REVIEW GAME.  You could add a name of a KING to each wand…the KIDDOS would have to pick out the correct CROWN to answer REVIEW QUESTIONS.   

I LOVE these DESIGN your own CUP and DESIGN your own FLOWER POTS.    The FLOWER POT would be cute for stories of PLANTING and REAPING or ATTENDANCE, or GROWING UP in KNOWLEDGE.  Just a few ideas.  

I have used cups like this for THEMES….Such as we did with KING UZZIAH.  

King Uzziahs Pride Problem

During Christmas time I found these BRICK “Roads.”  I figure you are supposed to use them in a Winter Village Scene….BUT, I immediately thought they could be used for REBUILDING the WALLS of JERUSALEM.  The WALLS OF JERICHO.   Spray them GOLD and they could be the STREET of GOLD.   Just a few ideas…I am sure you can think of  more uses….

In the BOYS TOY area I found some BREASTPLATES , SHIELDS and HELMETS, …these would work  wonderfully for the ARMOR of GOD.  

Bible Story Books GALORE!!! Just make sure to READ through them and make sure the story is correct.  NEVER use books that MISREPRESENT the WORD OF GOD!!!!

Bible them coloring pads….great for EARLY ARRIVERS. 

More Bible Story Books…

In the toy dept…I found ANIMALS!!! Great for the Creation Account, Noah’s Ark, Daniel and the Lions Den, etc. 

Horses…great for ANY story that involves a CHARIOT….just attach them to a LAUNDRY SCOOP that has be modified to resemble a chariot.  

Pharaohs Fatal Following

I found BAGS that would be GREAT for BIBLE BOOK BAGS….The KIDDOS LOVE having their OWN BAG to bring to Bible Class.   Great for transporting items to and from Bible Class. 

Bubble Gum Machines. These would be GREAT for ATTENDANCE TRACKERS…Just add a POM POM BALL for every time the KIDDO attends class.  We are currently using something similar for Tracking MEMORY VERSES. 

To see our Memory Verse, Gumball Tracker click on the link below.  

Bubblegum Memory Verse Tracker

FRUIT!!!!  Great to label for the FRUIT of The Spirit.  

FRUIT puzzles….I would label them for the FRUIT of The Spirit…..GREAT for EAA.  

I must be on a FRUIT of Spirit roll….because, as I was walking away from the PUZZLES I happened to see these cute Fruit Balls.    I know we could come up with some sort of FUN REVIEW to go along with these FRUIT BALLS. 

On a different trip to the Dollar Tree, I found these COASTERS….I decided to pick them up….Some day we will use the BREAD SLICES for the BREAD of LIFE story. 

A few months back, I was teaching about Elisha….I needed some little chairs to go along with an activity the KIDDOS were going to be making…so, off to the Dollar Tree I went. I was soooo excited when I found these in the Toy Dept!!!   To see how we put these little chairs to use click on the link below. 

Elisha and the Shunamite woman

Again, a while back I was teaching about the Ax Head Floating….I was so excited when I found these at the the DOLLAR TREE!!!!  They were perfect!!!!!  To see how we put them to use, click on the link below. 


The Dollar Tree is a great place to SHOP for Bible Class Supplies……Just stroll through each aisle and think to yourself, “COULD I USE THAT ITEM TO TEACH A BIBLE STORY, PRINCIPLE OR FACT?”     Think OUTSIDE the BOX.  🙂  

Happy DOLLAR TREE Shopping!!!!  








  1. Leanne Helums Avatar

    I love getting items from the Dollar Tree for Bible Class. You have a great blog of wonderful ideas. I have taught Bible class for the last 15 years or so from babies through teenage girls. I am currently teaching 2-3 year old boys and 1 little girl. I am having a hard time keeping the boys focused on the lesson. I taught this age before and they were much more focused (and all little girls). Do you have any suggestions on how to keep toddler boys engaged in a 40-45 min. class?

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    Leanne, for that age group the teachers use the BUCKET LESSONS plan. They do a LOT of handing out and gathering back of the little HAND HELD items….but, it has seem to work really well. The KIDDOS, each get a TOY, BOOK, MANIPULATIVE, etc. for each song, story, activity. If you look for Bucket Bible Lessons on the website here, you can see what I am talking about. That is a tough age…especially since you are so BOY heavy….but, you might want to give the idea a try. Hope this helps… Blessings, RONDA

  3. Unknown Avatar

    I teach 2-4 year olds with my mom. We recently got almost all our bulletin boards up for our classroom. Almost everything came from the Dollar Tree! We also get a lot of things for our Welcome Bags from the Dollar Tree. (Welcome Bags are for new kids that come into our class.) Here are our bulletin boards that primarily came from the Dollar Tree.


  4. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! Do you have printables on here? I am going through the Old Testament with my preschoolers. Thank you!

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