Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Mastering Motherhood Via The Proverbs 31 Woman

I was honored when asked to speak at a “weekend” Bible Study event for ladies.  

I was assigned the topic of:  Motherhood as seen in the life of the Virtuous Woman of Proverbs 31. 

I was excited about this topic. Studying the Virtuous Woman in the light of MOTHERHOOD was an adventure.  Motherhood is a  topic that in near and dear to my heart.  I hope you find the recording to be helpful and encouraging.   

The time spent with sisters in Christ was truly an uplifting weekend.  We spent time getting to know each other, praying with each other  and studying GOD’S WORD together.  It was truly a delightful weekend.  
If you would like  to listen to this lecture just click on this link: W. I. C. K. Lecture. Women In Christ Kingdom Lecture. Speaker: Ronda Duvall

Here is a link to the POWER POINTS that I used.  








  1. Jane Avatar

    I love the presentation! One of the best ways of gleaning the lessons from Proverbs 31 that I have been blessed to hear. Thank you!

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