Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Joseph and Pharaoh’s Dreams

We will soon be learning all about Joseph in Egypt. Joseph is a young man I love to teach about.  He was alone, in a foreign land, no family around and he still honored GOD!!! He was faced with trials, adversities and falsely accused and he still honored GOD!! He is one of our BIBLE Heros.  He is one we can LOOK up too!! Joseph is a great example for KIDDOS and adults, too!!

Currently we are still using this map. However, it will be changing soon. Since Joseph is “down” in EGYPT we simply have our EGYPT picture placed on the map.

The Kiddos will get to learn a NEW song with this lesson.  “Joseph Tells Pharaoh’s Dream.”  It’s a simple song based on the tune: Reuben, Reuben.  

The Kiddos Memory Verse is Romans 8:28.  I think this is a great verse for the story of Joseph.    

I wanted a FUN visual aid for this lesson….so, it got me to thinking.  I wanted Pharaoh and his dreams represented….I decided to make a BED out of a cereal box.   

To represent the DREAMS we put up clouds—well, technically, my hubby strung the clouds from the ceiling using fishing line.   I am happy with the way the VISUAL turned out.  I added a few Egyptian pieces that I had in my Joseph in Egypt storage box.    I think the Egyptian pieces give it a more authentic look.  🙂

The KIDDOS Take Home project is Pharaoh’s Headdress and Dream Bubble. The KIDDOS will get to color the SNAKE and add it to the headdress and then add the stickers that represent the dreams.  I can’t wait to see the KIDDOS wearing them!!!    

Our REVIEW game is a MATCH GAME.  This is how we will play it.  The KIDDOS will answer a question from the lesson…if they get the answer right they get the opportunity to turn over two cards and see if they find a MATCH.  We have healthy cows, sick cows, healthy corn and sickly corn.  This should be a FUN and challenging game.  My KIDDOS love to play match games!!

Next week will be our REVIEW week!!!  The KIDDOS will make these to add to their EXPLORER JOURNALS. They will get to use color crayons, brads, glitter glue and chenille sticks.  They will LOVE it!!

This is our quick REVIEW. The KIDDOS get to place the Bible Stories in ORDER!!  I am amazed at their ability to recall and place the stories in Biblical Order.  I love that they are able to recall the stories they have learned and HOW they are important to us!!  

I am excited to teach this lesson!!!







6 responses to “Joseph and Pharaoh’s Dreams”

  1. SDFarmWife Avatar

    You are amazing! My daughter recently turned three and we just finished a Creation Bible Study…I have been searching for our next study and your blog is incredible! Do you make the printable resources yourself? Or do you have a link where you print from? Any guidance you can give me would be great! Again, amazing job!

  2. Candy Avatar

    I would love to print some of your lessons!!! My daughter would love them!!

  3. Unknown Avatar

    I recently found your Blog and I love it! I have started a Wednesday Night Bible study at my church. I have one class with an age range from 2- middle school age students. Is there a way to get your lesson plans. This would help my church greatly.

  4. QPT Avatar

    Very good effort!love those images!!!

    Top 30 Riddles with Answers for Kids

  5. Unknown Avatar

    nice lesson.. thanks for teaching us this

    Trading In Mcx

  6. Unknown Avatar

    I love the way you teach!

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