Hands On Bible Teacher Title


Our continuing Exploration through the Life of Jesus Has brought us to the time when Jesus is Teaching in Parables.  

The Parable we are learning about is the Parable of the four soils.  

We added NEW CARDS to our DO You Know? Wall.  My Expectation is for the KIDDOS to be able to answer each of these by the end of the lesson. 

Our  VISUAL  Aid for this lesson  was fun to make. 

I have a dear friend, who gave me this wooden box with the four compartments, several years ago.  I believe it used to hold children’s puzzles.  

I used clay to make the “WAYSIDE.”  I used pebbles for the “STONY” ground.  I used sand and dirt  with a mixture of wooden skewers (cut to small pieces) for the “THORNY” ground.   For the “GOOD GROUND” I used potting soil.  We used sunflower seeds for our seeds.  And my FARMER goes with a DOLLHOUSE set. 

I added a bird, I purchased at Dollar Tree, to the “WAYSIDE.”  I added the SUN and scorched plant to the “STONY” ground.  I added a bit of strange greenery to the “THORNY” ground.  I added sunflowers to the “GOOD GROUND.”    

The KIDDOS were in LOVE with this VISUAL!!!!  They loved seeing all the grounds and items that went with the grounds!!  It was a great touch and see VISUAL!!!!!

We also added a secondary VISUAL to our white board.  

Each of the pictures  show the different types of soils.

The  bottom sign is our definition for Parable.  The KIDDOS need to understand that a PARABLE is and EARTHLY STORY with a HEAVENLY MEANING.

We had three new words to add to our WORD WALL.  I chose SOIL, SOWER & PARABLE.  

Those are important words for the KIDDOS to understand for this lesson to make more sense to them. 

We Added a NEW Card to our GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN Timeline!! 

This is the SONG we learned with this lesson. This song is a little longer than most, but the KIDDOS all learned it and sang it very well!!    

The  song can be heard by clicking the following link.  The SOWER song by Ronda Duvall

Our MEMORY VERSE  was   Mark 4:20!

To hear the MEMORY VERSE song click on this link.  Memory Verse Song Mark 4:20

The Kiddo’s TAKE-HOME  project was a fun one!!   I premade all the little trays of the various soils…the project is made from cardstock…I printed the back picture on the cardstock, before assembling.  The KIDDOS added each SOIL, SEEDS and the LABELS to their project.  There is double sided foam tape on the back of each of the the soil trays and glue dots on the back of soil labels.  


The little trays came from the very bottom of Gerber Baby Food Containers.  I just cut them down to make them very shallow.  The WAYSIDE, is air dried clay, I shaped it in the bottom of one of the baby food containers.  

By premaking most of the activity it did not take very long to assemble them during Bible Class….I NEVER want our craft/activity to take up a lot of Bible Class time.  

This KIDDOS loved the weeks  REVIEW Game!! 

The KIDDOS answered a question from the lesson for the opportunity to toss the bean bag…..then the KIDDOS had to tell me what SOIL they landed on and WHAT happened in that SOIL.  

It was a wonderful way to review all four soils and the outcome of the seeds that fell upon those soils.  

As you know, the second week of the LESSON is when we REVIEW.  It gives me opportunity to correct any misunderstandings.  It  also, gives opportunities for the KIDDOS who missed class the first week to “CATCH UP.”  This is the Week we SAY our MEMORY VERSE from MEMORY and We do an ACTIVITY we add to our EXPLORER JOURNAL.

This LESSON’S EXPLORER JOURNAL ACTIVITY was a fun one…the KIDDOS added stickers and glued on seeds to this activity.  I make the stickers from clipart using a sticker maker machine.  The KIDDOS always LOVE stickers and anything they get to glue. 

We used sunflower seed for our seeds…they are easy for little hands to pick up and glue.   

I am thoroughly enjoying teaching through the Life of Christ.   The KIDDOS are learning so much about JESUS our LORD. 







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