Hands On Bible Teacher Title

King Hezekiah and A Sundial Miracle

This week we are moving forward with our lessons about King Hezekiah.    The KIDDOS will be learning about King Hezekiah’s life being extended.  The story comes from 2 Kings 20 and Isaiah 38.  

I LOVE seeing our WALL of INFORMATION GROWING!!!!  It make is so easy to REVIEW PAST lessons!!!  

I am excited about teaching this lesson.  The KIDDOS will get to learn all about the Miracle that occurred with a SUNDIAL.    This is such an exciting lesson.  


We have two new words to add to our “WORD WALL.”  I want to make sure the KIDDOS understand what a BOIL and SUNDIAL have to do with this story.  

The KIDDOS will have a new MEMORY VERSE this week.  I feel like this is a good MEMORY VERSE for this LESSON. PRAYER changes EVERYTHING!!!  I want the KIDDOS to understand the BLESSING of PRAYER!!!

If you would like to hear the TUNE to our NEWEST MEMORY VERSE please click the link.  It will route you to the FACEBOOK page for Hands On Bible Teacher.  

Psalm 55:17, Memory Verse Song .

We will be singing the ENTIRE SONG this week! I am excited to teach the SECOND VERSE!! YAY!

If you would like to hear how this song goes please click on the link.  It will route you to the FACEBOOK page for Hands On Bible Teacher.  

Hezekiah Was A Good and Righteous King Song.

The KIDDOS TAKE HOME PROJECT is a “SUN DIAL”  The sundial is made from inexpensive paper plates, scrap cardstock paper, and little printed paper suns.  

The KIDDOS will get to use MARKERS to color their Sundial. Then the KIDDOS will attach the “ARROW” part of the Sundial. Then the KIDDOS will glue on the little paper suns.  I think they turned out really cute…..I hope the KIDDOS enjoy making them.  

Our REVIEW game this week is called “Shadows, Shadows Everywhere” matching game.  The KIDDOS will answer a question from the lesson and then have the opportunity to turn over a set of cards and attempt to find the “SHADOW” match for the “REAL” picture they turned over.  

I purposefully left a SPACE between the REAL and the SHADOW…that way it will be a bit easier for the KIDDOS to know to pick one card from one side and one from the other side.  

Next week the KIDDOS will make this and add it to their EXPLORER JOURNAL.    After coloring King Hezekiah, sick in his bed they will add a 3D crown and color and add the Sundial.

I am LOVING the progress the KIDDOS  are making.  They seem to recalling PAST lessons and enjoying the current lessons.  It is truly a blessing teaching the KIDDOS!!!




  1. Ovation Avatar

    Thanks a lot from Hong Kong

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