Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Jeremiah & The Potter

We are moving forward in our lessons about the Kingdom of Judah.    I am so excited about this lesson….The KIDDOS will be learning how GOD is the POTTER and we are the clay.  

I love our WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE?? WHERE? and WHY? WALL!!!! There is so much information on this WALL.  We use it often for REVIEWING what we have learned in the past!!

We have our DO YOU KNOW? cards ready to go!!  

We have three new WORDS for our WORD WALL. The KIDDOS need to know what these words mean in order to understand the lesson.  

Our  NEW story card is up on our “GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN”  timeline.  

This weeks Memory Verse comes directly from the TEXT.  It is GOD’S promise to Jeremiah.  I LOVE the comfort and strength found in this verse!!  

If you want to hear the tune we will be singing this Memory Verse to, just click this link below.  It will open up the Facebook Page for HOBT.

Jeremiah 18:6 Memory Verse Song

The KIDDOS will be learning this SONG during this lesson.  I feel this is a VERY catchy song….so, hopefully they will be singing it throughout the next two weeks.  ๐Ÿ™‚  I hope their parents do not mind.  

If you would like to hear this song click on the link below.  It will open up the Facebook Page for HOBT

GOD is the POTTER and I am the Clay—Song by Ronda Duvall

I decided to have a 3D visual for this story…So, I used clip art from the cool clip art collection that I have purchased and laminated and cut out Jeremiah and the Potter.  I wanted a  house feel, so I also used clip art from PRINTMASTER to make the background.  Then I made several different vessels out of Crayola Model Magic.  I purchased the terracotta color Model Magic….I think it turned out great.  (And since I am finishing this post—after teaching this lesson, I can tell you the KIDDOS LOVED this visual!!!)  

This is the other VISUAL I used.  I had one of these pots on the table as I told the story.  When I got to the part where Jeremiah breaks the clay pot in front of the Priest and elders…I threw this pot down on the ground.  It broke and the KIDDOS were AWE STRUCK!!  They could NOT believe it.  But, it drove home the point…that once it is broken it cannot be fixed again to the former vessel.    It was WONDERFUL to see the KIDDOS so IN TUNED to the LESSON.  ๐Ÿ™‚

As a TAKE HOME activity I decided I wanted the KIDDOS to be able to MOLD something and then REMOLD something….SO, I decided to use PLAYDOUGH.    (PLEASE forgive these PICTURES—I was working on this project at home….and so, the background is my kitchen….MESS and all.  :-))  

I made the labels using my PRINTMASTER program.    I wanted it similar to the actual label that was on the older style cups of Playdough.   It used to have a little boy in a blue beret on the front…so, I inserted a picture of each of the KIDDOS in the blue beret.    Glued them to the containers and called it done.  

During class time the KIDDOS were allowed to MOLD a vessel and then REMOLD a new vessel. We talked about how if it drys out and hardens (such as a hardened heart) that it is no longer mold-able—so we cannot afford to allow our heart to harden towards GOD.    Amazingly, the KIDDOS seemed to really GET this point!!!   We talked about how we need to let GOD shape us…so we need to study our Bible.  

BTW, this is the container of PLAYDOUGH I had ready—in case we had visitors. I believe we should always treat our guest the same way as we do our regulars….so, make sure to have TAKE HOME projects ready for your guests!  

Our Review Game is called “CLAY POT CATASTROPHE.”    It is a broken POT—and we are gonna try to put it back together.   I coded the back board with questions and the answers are on the actual “clay pot.”  

In case you are wondering….this is how I made this game.  I PRINTED a large vase from my Printmaster program….I then traced it onto the backboard….Then I covered the printed pot with Terracotta Colored Crayola Model Magic. It took some ROLLING and STRETCHING to get it covered.  Then I let it dry for a few days.  

After it was dry, I cut the jar apart into puzzle pieces.  Then traced the puzzle pieces onto the backboard.  Coded the backboard with the questions and wrote the answers on the “clay pot.”  

During class time we pass out the pieces of the jar….and when I read a question the one with the correct piece of the jar gets to put it in the correct place on the backboard.  Quick, Easy and Fun.  

Next week is our REVIEW week.   Next week the KIDDOS will be making this to add to their EXPLORER JOURNAL.  

The 3D pot is made from the same Model Magic that I made my bigger version for the Review Game.  I just shaped them in the same way and the KIDDOS will add them to their Explorer Journal Activity after they color Jeremiah and the POTTER.  

Here are my little “Clay Pots” drying….Remember I made these from Model Magic….They are very light and easy to glue in place.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope you have enjoyed seeing what we are doing in Bible Class.  




8 responses to “Jeremiah & The Potter”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    I just 'stumbled' onto your site. (via Pinterset) . Wow, I am overwhelmed with all the great stuff that is here. I will be utilizing so much of this. Thank you for all you do…….

  2. Hannah Avatar

    Thank you for this site. It is wonderful. I am not a pro at teaching so this helps. I was curious about the videos on the side. I could not view them. Are they available somewhere?
    Thanks again and God bless you!

  3. Unknown Avatar

    Nice article!
    Neha C
    Here is a free mobile app for Bible Verses to read, share, bookmark, sms or email great bible verses https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vrad.apps.bibleversesfree

  4. Unknown Avatar

    I would like to purchase the same "cool clip art collection" you referenced here. Can you give me the name?

  5. Abbi Avatar

    Very neat ideas! I am teaching our little kids class about the prophets this month at church and I think I will utilize some of these ideas for our Jeremiah day.

  6. Mama 24/7 Avatar
    Mama 24/7

    1 cup flour mixed really good with 1/2 cup salt. Very Slowly stired into a bowl of 1/2 cup water, 1 tablespoon oil n some food color. Will make playing.playdough I love love love this. Just now found it on Pinterest. Please keep the lessons and activities comming. I have three kids. Thank you for this.

  7. saad Avatar

    thanks for this usefull article, waiting for this article like this again. motion sensor kitchen faucet

  8. Unknown Avatar

    I tried to go to the song link and it says it's no longer available. Same goes for the verse song. Do you know where I could find it?

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