Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Bible Detectives!!!!

We are starting something NEW.  This is an opportunity for all of OUR KIDDOS, that attend Bible Classes here at our congregation, to expand their Bible Knowledge!!!
We are going to encourage all of our KIDDOS to be BIBLE DETECTIVES!!!  
We have an area in our classroom hallway that is PERFECT for displaying this BOARD.    It is in a central location and very easy for ALL parents, visitors and students to see.  
Detective Notebook and Special Pencil. 
Each KIDDO will be given a Detective Notebook and Pencil.  Then they will go to the board and jot down the BIBLE Question for the week.  
Date, Question, Answer and Reference. 
They will have a WEEK to FIND the Answer….On WEDNESDAY following the posting of the NEW Question….we will post a CLUE that will help the KIDDO find the answer.  That way if they are STUMPED by the question…they know they will get a bit of help on Wednesday Evening. 
We plan on making the Bible Questions RANGE in difficulty.  We want our little ones to be able to participate…so, we will have a few “easier to answer questions”…but, since we want to challenge our older Kiddos we will have some questions that will put their Detective Skills to WORK.  
The area that we will be posting the questions is simply a laminated piece of yellow cardstock paper.  Makes it easy to CHANGE the question.  We simple write on it with an Erasable White Board Marker.  
We want this to be FUN and Educational.  We know that FACTS are very Basic Learning Skills …but, if we can get the KIDDOS searching the Scriptures for answers then we will be helping to establish a LIFE PRINCIPLE.  
The little POCKET on the bottom right of the board will house PAST Questions (we will write the past questions on those little Magnifying Glasses)…that way if a KIDDOS misses a question they have the opportunity to go back and add the question to their Detective Notebook.  
We are excited about this activity….ALL the teachers are going to participate as well…We are asking them to submit various Bible Questions to be added to the Board.  
NOW,  just some technical info.  The Blue Board is a Science Project Board…I purchased it at Hobby Lobby with a 40 % off coupon.  The Detective Dog, Magnifying Glasses and Border all came from a Classroom Bulletin Board Poster Kit that I purchased at Mardel (school supply store.)  The little box on the bottom right corner came from Dollar Tree.  The words “Bible Detective” were printed from my computer graphics program.  The little Detective Notebooks are from Dollar Tree (4 for $1.00)…I just printed a Label and recovered the front of each Notebook.  The pencils came from Dollar Tree.  I had the Yellow Cardstock Paper in my supplies.  
Hope this might inspire you to challenge the KIDDOS that attend your congregation….Help them LEARN to LOVE EXPLORING their BIBLE!!!  The BIBLE holds all the ANSWERS to LIFE!!!  Let’s get the KIDDOS SEARCHING their BIBLE today!!!!


  1. Diana Dow Avatar

    That's a great idea. You could also have a pocket on the board for kids to leave their answers. They could either tear a page out of their notebook that they've written the answer on or you could have a pocket with blank cards for them to write their answer on. This would involve a little competition to see who could get it first and it would also require trust that they would not cheat by looking at what someone else wrote.

  2. Beach Mama Avatar

    Awesome! I am going to incorporate a version of this at our church. I often feel like there is such a gap from Sunday to Sunday. This is a good way to get them using their Bibles!

  3. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    Diana, The KIDDOS will be writing their answers in their Detective Notebooks and sharing the answer with their teachers. The teachers will then be stamping/stickers/ etc. for those that got the correct answer. The teachers wll be responsible for "tracking" the KIDDOS success!!! I will let you know how it goes.

  4. margie Avatar

    Ronda I really appreciate all the tools you are giving me to make my class more exiting. I know that I will be making a difference on each child's life. May God bless you for all you do and all the help you are giving me.

  5. Christus Lutheran Church Avatar

    Hi Ronda, our church is doing something similar to this program to encourage reading in the bible at home. Could you tell me where you got your questions from? I found some, but am looking for more options to try to go along with our rotations for Sunday School.

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