Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Jesus Turns Water To Wine — Wedding In Cana

We are making progress learning about the life of JESUS!!  

We have learned about HIS birth,  HIS trip to Egypt,  HIS childhood, HIS Baptism, and HIS Apostles. 

Now,  we are learning about HIS  first of many Miracles.  Our lesson is all about the Wedding Feast in Cana.  

We added NEW CARDS to our DO You Know? Wall.  My Expectation is for the KIDDOS to be able to answer each of these by the end of the lesson. 

We Added a NEW Card to our GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN Timeline!!

We had a new words to add to our WORD WALL.  I chose MIRACLE. It is an important word for the KIDDOS to understand for this lesson and for so many more lessons to come.  

Our MEMORY VERSE  was John 2:11  

To hear the MEMORY VERSE song click on this link.  John 2:11 Memory Verse

This is our  SONG  to for this lesson.  It is a simple and easy song to learn. 

To hear this song click on the link. Jesus Turned The Water To Wine…Song By: Ronda L. Duvall

For a VISUAL AID, I used these unique color changing cups.  When you add cold water to the cup they turn purple.  I did add “waves” to give the look of water to the outside of the cup I used as a visual.  However, I gave each of the KIDDOS a cup as a TAKE HOME special treat….I did not draw WAVE MARKS on the cups I gave the KIDDOS. 


Of course, I explained that the changing cup is NOT a MIRACLE!

The KIDDOS TAKE-HOME project was made from CARDSTOCK…It is a free standing piece of the six water pots and JESUS….the KIDDOS colored this one….It was simple and easy.  I needed it to be simple and easy, since the KIDDOS were getting the aforementioned, color changing cups….I knew they would want to “TRY them OUT” and they would need the time to do so.  LOL

This weeks REVIEW game  was a all about filling up the Water Pot with WATER and then Changing it to WINE.  I don’t know how I missed taking a picture of the completed game….but, apparently I did.  The KIDDOS added “Blue Water”  to the Velcro Dots (by answering questions from the lesson correctly).  Then, they added Purple Pieces to the Velcro Dots on top of the blue pieces (by answering questions from the lesson correctly) and turned the “Water to Wine.”

As you recall, the second week of the LESSON is when we REVIEW.  It gives me opportunity to correct any misunderstandings.  It  also, gives opportunities for the KIDDOS who missed class the first week to “CATCH UP.”  This is the Week we SAY our MEMORY VERSE from MEMORY and We do an ACTIVITY we add to our EXPLORER JOURNAL.   

This LESSONS EXPLORER JOURNAL ACTIVITY was  a fun one.  We made water pots that had a sliding piece to make them appear to change to wine….These took some time to figure out HOW to make them work…but, I LOVE how they turned out!!!  I laminated purple shiny paper to make the slide out piece….I think they work fairly well and the KIDDOS love changing the “water to wine.”

Life has been so busy, It will take me a bit to catch up all my lesson postings….I am working on them.  Please keep checking back.  




  1. Leanne Handley Avatar

    So glad to see you pop back in to my feed! I was afraid you were done posting or had changed to another platform. I love your style and creativity!

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar

    Thanks….still here….I have become a full time baby sitter for my daughter and for a family friend…trying to find time to post and update has been a challenge. Working to figure out the best time to work in Website work.

  3. Colo Junkett Avatar

    Great lesson. Loving your content

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