Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Elijah Challenges The Prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel

This week we have a “NEW” Bible Lesson.  Please remember, that each of my lessons last 2 weeks.  The first week, I spend introducing the lesson, facts, places, etc.  The next week we do a very detailed review…this gives me an opportunity to see if the KIDDOS missed something or if I forgot to share something the KIDDOS needed to know.  I LOVE teaching this way.  It has proven to be very beneficial to me and the KIDDOS.  

 This is the card we will add to our “GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN” wall.  This is my TIMELINE…it helps me show the KIDDOS when in Bible History the events took place….With the focus on the COMING of JESUS!!

We will have a new WORD for our WORD WALL.  Since we do not live in the time of animal sacrifices…I want to make sure the KIDDOS understand what an ALTAR is/was.

For visuals, I decided to use the same Elijah that I used last week…I just printed and laminated a KING Ahab and a few of the Prophets of Baal.  I also printed, laminated and constructed two altars.  I made sure the altars looked different…and Elijah’s has 12 stones! 

Our Memory Verse for this weeks comes directly from the Lesson Text.  1 Kings 18:39.  We will be singing this to the Tune:  “The Bear Went Over the Mountain.” 

I have added Mount Carmel to our Map… We will be referring to Elijah’s travels….After all, he has been to the Brook Cherith, Sidon and is now coming back to Israel to  “meet up” with Ahab. 

 The KIDDOS will be decorating a ROCK as their “TAKE HOME” activity.  I have already coded the rocks with the words, “The Lord Is God!”  The KIDDOS will use Sharpie Paint Pens to decorate their ROCK.  They will add whatever decorations to the ROCK that they want…I will give them a few suggestions:  HEARTS, FLOWERS, RAINBOWS, HAPPY FACES, ETC.  But, ultimately it will be their choice. 

By the way, these ROCKS came from the Pacific Ocean.  My family and I took a vacation to Ocean Side, California in 2011.  I collected a bunch of rocks…(my father-in-law was convinced I was crazy.)  I knew I would use some of those MANY rocks for Bible Class Projects.  (So, even when on vacation—THINK ABOUT BIBLE CLASSES, LESSONS, STORIES, ETC.)

Since the KIDDOS will be allowed to use MARKERS—they are going to be BEYOND excited.  However, because these are PERMANENT Markers, I will quickly establish the RULES.  #1 RULE:  Do Not Color On Anything, But The Rock!!”  🙂

 For our REVIEW GAME, we will be building an ALTAR.  The KIDDOS will answer a question from the lesson.  Then they will have the opportunity to set a stone in place.  We are building Elijah’s Altar—so, take notice, I have 12 Stones.  (I paper mached  these ROCKS a LOOONG time ago.  I have used them in teaching so many different Bible Stories…if you have time and opportunity, I would suggest you make some ROCKS.)  

Next Week the KIDDOS will be making Elijah’s Altar to add to their “EXPLORER JOURNAL.”  They will glue on a STONE for EACH TRIBE.  This will be a great time to REVIEW the sons of Jacob….  They will also add the FLAMES.  I just cut the FIRE area out of the paper…and we are gluing on SPARKLY paper in RED or YELLOW to the Back.  (Since, my KIDDOS are small and DO NOT WRITE WELL—-I have already written the names of each TRIBE on the STONES.  If I was teaching this to older KIDDOS, I would let them WRITE the names of the TRIBES on the STONES.   

I will say, there is a LOT of ROCKS in this story…LOL  But, KIDDOS really seem to LOVE ROCKS!  




10 responses to “Elijah Challenges The Prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    I think I'm going to make some rocks! Thanks for all the work you do and for sharing.

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar
    Ronda Duvall

    Glad to know it…They come in handy for SOOOOOO many different Bible Stories. I have used them soooo much. I really have been happy that I spent time making them. 🙂

  3. Sue Bo Avatar
    Sue Bo

    I asked before, but can't remember the answer or where I asked 🙂 – where do you get your clip art?

  4. Ronda Duvall Avatar
    Ronda Duvall

    I get some of it from my Print Master Program. I also use a LOT of Phillipmartin.com clip art. I also use clip art that I have purchased from coolclipart.com. The coolclipart comes in a colored and a black/white version. Having it in BLACK/WHITE is great for KIDDOS PROJECTS—or to make them be different characters. I have noticed if I change their hair color and give them different clothing colors the KIDDOS see them as DIFFERENT characters. WORKS for ME!!! 🙂 Hope this helps.

  5. KCMayor Avatar

    I am impressed and intrigued with your layout!! Do you have a set curriculum plan which you've developed? Are you willing to share?

  6. Extraordinary Ordinary Life Avatar
    Extraordinary Ordinary Life

    Do you offer your printables anywhere?

  7. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! I was wondering where you found the clip art that you used for the visual? the one that you laminated.
    I was unable to find it on the programs that you listed above.

  8. Slitherio2020 Avatar

    I’m much pleased with your good work. you have good knowledge for article writing and this article is amazing. I am waiting for your next article…. Thank you so much

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