Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Ten Commandments Song (Per Request)

 I recently had a request for me to POST  the tune to this song.  We sang this song A LOT when we were learning about MOSES.   

The KIDDOS loved singing this song and quickly memorized the Ten Commandments.  This became a weekly requested song.  🙂  

I LOVE to teach BIBLE STORIES via Songs…The KIDDOS seem to retain so much more of the story when there is a SONG to go along with the story.  I have found singing Bible Stories, Facts, Truths, etc. to be very beneficial   

(BTW, YOU can sing this to a RAP STYLE BEAT…Older KIDDOS seem to REALLY love singing it THAT way.) 

If you are interested in ordering a Song Book please send me an email.  Each Songbook comes with 2 CD’s.  1 Old Testament Songs and 1 New Testament Songs.    I can email you an “Order Form.”








8 responses to “Ten Commandments Song (Per Request)”

  1. Diana Dow Avatar
    Diana Dow

    I love it! I'll have to remember this when we get to this part of the Bible again.

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar
    Ronda Duvall

    Thanks Diana…We LOVE to sing around here. 🙂

  3. April Avatar

    Would love to see the order form. Can you send me a copy? april.nowotny@floridaconference.com. Thanks

  4. MomS. Avatar

    Would love to see the order form as well. Can you send me a copy. ddstevenson@harbornet.com.

  5. Elisa Avatar

    Please send me an order form

  6. Teacher of littles Avatar
    Teacher of littles

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Lisa Beth Hutchins Avatar
    Lisa Beth Hutchins

    Hi, Ronda. Please send me an order form at your earliest convenience. I really need a copy of your Ten Commandments song on CD, if possible.

  8. Unknown Avatar

    Hi Ronda,
    Could you please send me an order form, also? I would really appreciate it! I loved your Ten Commandments Song! However, I'm serving a Lutheran Church, so I adapted it to help my Confirmation students learn the Ten Commandments as Luther taught them.
    Deb Valentine

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