Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity Balaam and the Talking Donkey

Our Wednesday night review is taught by another teacher…I am currently teaching a YOUNG LADIES Bible Class on Wednesday Nights. However, I want to keep you updated on what we do in our Wednesday Night Review Nights.

This past Wednesday night the teacher reviewed the story of Balaam and the Talking Donkey. Again, the children LOVED this story. My co-teacher uses all the same visuals, games, etc. as I do on Sunday Morning.

However, on Wednesday Evening the activity the children make is kept in the classroom, in a book we call their Explorer Journal. This has been a great way to preserve all the kiddos HARD WORK…I BELIEVE THEY WORK VERY HARD IN CLASS!! The parents get to take home the Explorer Journal at the end of a quarter. The parents have been thrilled with these JOURNALS. It is wonderful to go back an look through them and see what all the children have learned.

Well this past Wednesday’s Explorer Journal activity was a “moving” picture of Balaam and the Talking Donkey. The Donkey can move towards the angel. I decided to do this by using yarn and a straw…kids colored their donkey, Balaam, angel, and background. The yarn and straw were already attatched to the paper…they just colored around it. After gluing on the angel they TAPED the straw to the back of the DONKEY and walla, a movable, walking, “talking” donkey.

This takes a little more time than most of our activities, but the end product is great…they loved moving their donkey along the road.

They all said their MEMORY VERSE and placed a sticker on the Explorer Journal Backpack. (I will take/post a picture of their “Backpacks” soon.

They also had just a few minutes to play the “PIN THE MOUTH ON THE DONKEY” game. We may have to play that game again on review SUNDAYS.






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