Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity 12 Spies

Our Wednesday evenings are spent reviewing the Sunday’s lesson. I believe this is a wonderful way to teach the children…it makes sure they have grasped what they have learned.

This past Wednesday was the night to review the story of the 12 spies who spied out the Land of Canaan. This story is a wonderful story to use when teaching children to listen to good advice…And how listening to bad advice can send us wandering around lost for many many years.

Our Explorer Journal Activity for Wednesday Night was a picture of two spies carrying back “real” fake grapes on a pole. The kiddos loved the “real” fake grapes. (I could not find small bunches of grapes so I made these by cutting down larger bunches of grapes and gluing on a leaf.) I bought these grapes at the local Dollar Tree….so, the investment was not too great…and I was able to get two sets out of one, if I cut them apart carefully.

On Wednesday evening we review our Memory Verses….we have a song that goes with each Memory Verse, so we sing the song a few times and then have the children say their Memory Verse. They normally do a really good job with saying their Memory Verse. Of course they get to put an EXPLORER sticker on the EXPLORER’S BACKPACK.

The children LOVED this GRAPE Cluster review game. It had such an impact…both, as a visual and a review game. Putting this together was a trial and error experiment….I struggled to find a way to attach the balloons to the grape backboard….I tried velcro dots, and double stick tape…to many balloons popped. I finally figured out if I glued tiny little clothes pins onto the back board and clip the balloons on it would work easily to remove a grape. I love the way it turned out.



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  1. AhSi Avatar

    Dear Ronda,

    I love your crafts. It's so 'lively'! May I know where can I get the coloring page where you put on the 'real' fake grapes.


  2. Unknown Avatar

    Please let me know how to get patterns for these amazing crafts and coloring pages!

    Kathy White

  3. Amy Avatar

    How did you play the game?

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