Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Thanks for your Patience…..Look for new ideas coming soon.

It has been a VERY BUSY 7 months.  It seems that I am going in fifty directions….ALL at the same time.  

I have still be writing and working on materials….I have been Working on updating a BIBLE CLASS song book …and some other visuals.  We are also working on a way to upload a few PRINTABLES.  

Thanks again for your patience and understanding.  

See you in the blog world really soon.  Keep checking back.  🙂








2 responses to “Thanks for your Patience…..Look for new ideas coming soon.”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Hi Ronda, I'm enjoying browsing your blog this afternoon. You've got some great ideas. Thanks for sharing them.

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar
    Ronda Duvall

    Thanks a bunch. I just checked out your blog….You have some wonderful ideas too.

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