Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Fruit of the Spirit Review and “Conference” Day.

Today was REVIEW DAY.  The children LOVE looking back at ALL the Lessons they have learned!!!  I enjoy review day too.  It gives me an opportunity to stop and look at what all we have accomplished!!!!!!

Today the kiddos were greeted with the Review Table.  On the Table were all the “Take Home” activities that they had made and their Explorer Journals.  They GET SOOOO EXCITED about taking home their Explorer Journals.    

This Journal was unique, in that it held all their Armor of God and Fruit of the Spirit activities.  The reason for this is because BOTH the Armor of GOD and the Fruit of the Spirit comes from an Epistle (and yes my kiddos know the word EPISTLE means LETTER) written by Paul.  So we decided to combine these into one Explorer Journal. 

I have several pics of the Review Table.

I am going to post them all here for your enjoyment!!! 



 We have been so busy and have had so much fun learning about the 


This is the kiddos and I  REVIEWING ALL the lessons we have learned!!!!  I am AMAZED BY these kiddos!!!!  They remember sooooo much and are really able to APPLY WHAT THEY HAVE LEARNED!!!!  I pray GOD will help these little ones stay safe from the world’s influence and dedicated to learning more about GOD!!!!!

I decided to give each of the kiddos a special gift to help remind them to all have the Fruit of the Spirit…I purchased these small rubber fruit shaped bracelets at my local Dollar Tree. 

Then I decided to let the kiddos make a necklace to go with their bracelet.  I found these little erasers at the Dollar Tree.  We just glue in the eye hook and let the kiddos thread the “chain” through it.  We loosely tide them on for the kiddos.  They LOVED them!!!!  Matter-of-fact, I had kiddos that were NOT in my class wanting to come and make one after services.  🙂

He is sooo excited about taking home his EXPLORER JOURNAL!!!  It always be a FAMILY TREASURE!!!

Teaching kiddos about GOD is truly blessing me everyday!  I learn so much about love, patience, happiness, thankfulness and sooo much more through teaching these little ones.

Make sure to check back soon….we are continuing in our Exploration of Bible History.  We are going to be Exploring the life of ELI, SAMUEL, SAUL, DAVID AND SOLOMON….this next quarter.  (It may take us longer than a quarter….we will see.)




3 responses to “Fruit of the Spirit Review and “Conference” Day.”

  1. Priscila dos Santos da Costa Avatar
    Priscila dos Santos da Costa

    Hi!I love your site.I visit every day.I'm brazilian.

  2. Ronda Duvall Avatar
    Ronda Duvall

    Glad you like the site…I try to update weekly…however, life gets busy. Keep coming back as we will be undertaking the Exploration of Eli, Samuel, Saul, David, and Solomon over the next few months.

  3. Unknown Avatar

    I am a Sunday School Coordinator at Cross Lutheran Church in Roberts, WI. For me to respond to your blog, I had to use my husband's profile ;). Is there anyway you would share with me your template/document for the Hannah prays for a son craft? I would love to have the Kindergarteners do this next week BUT I am not that artistic! My email address is jnilssen@oiseeyouth.com if it is possible…if not, I completely understand :). You are doing amazing work!! Great job!!

    Kind Regards,

    Jennifer Nilssen

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