Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Wednesday’s Explorer Journal Activity….

As you know Wednesday Evening is time for reviewing what the children learned on Sunday Morning.

On Wednesday Evening, we do our Explorer Journal Activity. The Explorer Journal Activity this week is the 10 Plagues. The children will be coloring, gluing and sticking 3D items to the “Plagues Pyramid.”

This activity will then be placed in their Explorer Journal….they take home their Explorer Journal the very last day of class. That way ALL their Wednesday Evening Activities are collected and compiled into one book. The parents LOVE this way of keeping up with their activities…and the kids love looking back at ALL they have learned. I find this to be a wonderful addition to my teaching plans…..no longer are activities lost, left in the church building, thrown in the floor board of the car, etc. Now they are collected into one binder for the children.

On Wednesday Evening the Children will be helping me put the plagues in chronological order. We will be using these NUMBER PLAGUES….I will have them all mixed up on the table and then by answering a question from the lesson they will get to move one Plague card around and help to get them in correct order. Since most of my students are able to recognize their numbers this should be a simple, yet challenging review game. I am looking forward to Wednesday Evening….the children were so excited about this lesson on Sunday and I know they will be excited about reviewing what they have learned. This is their opportunity to tell me the story and my opportunity to correct any misunderstandings. I LOVE REVIEW NIGHTS!!!!

Being a Bible Class Teacher is a Blessing. Put your whole heart into teaching young ones the Bible and you will reap an amazing reward.




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  1. Unknown Avatar

    Where can I get the activity sheet for Tabernacle Lift A Flap?

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