Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Mighty Moses

We are beginning our new lessons this Sunday. We are going to be Exploring the Book of Exodus. I am sooo excited!!!

I have spent most of today working on the. students materials for this Sunday and next Wednesday. I have printed, copied, cut out, gathered needed items, etc.

I have also prepared their new Memory Verse sticker page. This quarter we are going to be sticking on explorer type items to a back pack. Please see the pictures.

The children will get a NEW EXPLORER JOURNAL (it is green) for the study through Exodus.

I have also been working on getting all my visuals, review games, etc. ready for Sunday Morning. It is amazing how fast a week seems
to fly by when you are attempting to ready the room and get the
new materials ready for the kids.

Hope you are enjoying the pictures. I’ll be posting a few more later this week.

Teaching Children the Bible is an Honor.




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