Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Joseph and His Colorful Coat

 We recently had a LESSON about Joseph and his COLORFUL Coat.  The KIDDOS LOVED this lesson!!!!  They were very excited about the ACTIVITIES and GAMES.  🙂

We still have our PATRIARCHS up on our Bulletin Board.  However, we are focusing on the 12 Sons of Jacob and beginning to really focus in on Joseph.  

Our VISUALS for this story were simple…I drew these a LONG time ago.   Matter-of-fact, I drew these when we were living in a completely different city!!   However, the colors are still strong…thanks to laminating them!!

These are FLIP CHART style.  I love using these when telling the story of Joseph and his colorful coat.  The KIDDO loved the fact that the coat is removable.  

The KIDDOS were able to RETELL me the story using these visuals.    I have never professed to be an artist…but, these drawings seem to impress the KIDDOS.  🙂

I LOVE this Joseph Visual!!!  I always put him up when I am teaching about Joseph.    My beloved MOTHER gave me several Large Visuals, as a gift.  BEST GIFT EVER!!!  

The KIDDOS memory verse is Psalm 46:1.  I think this is a GREAT verse to go along with this lesson.  GOD is ALWAYS with US!!!!  

We had a couple of SONGS to go with this lesson.    The KIDDOS LOVED singing these songs.  

I will let you know on the second song…we did NOT sing verse 3, yet.  We will save that for the lesson when Joseph is made second in command!

I am sure you have already figured out what our TAKE HOME project would be…It HAS to be a COAT of MANY COLORS!!!

 We PRE made 90% of the COAT.    We cut them out of Paper Shopping Bags.  We added several different colors of Construction Paper shapes.  

The KIDDOS added the “stitching.”  I was fortunate to find stickers that looked like stitching in the scrapbooking area of Hobby Lobby.  

The KIDDOS were also allowed to add SCRIPTURE STICKERS to their coat!!  I have a BUNCH of these stickers…why not put them to good use!!

The KIDDOS looked soooo cute!!!  I LOVED the reaction of the adults when the KIDDOS came out of the classroom.  

Our REVIEW GAME was simple.  The KIDDOS would draw a card and then I would ask one of the questions from the card.  IF the KIDDOS were wearing that color they had an opportunity to ANSWER the question!!  We only ran into one obstacle, none of the KIDDOS had on PURPLE!!!  

I made the PIT out of a Powder Baby Milk Container, wrapped in the same Bulletin Board Edging I used when the KIDDOS made wells.  Jacob’s Well

Our SECOND week on any lesson is our REVIEW WEEK.  The KIDDOS always make an activity to add to their EXPLORER JOURNAL!    

The KIDDOS made a COLORFUL COAT on Joseph by filling in a PUZZLE.  All the pieces were cut out before class time.  They were in baggies and ready for the KIDDOS to glue into place.  

We also, added googly eyes to Joseph, just because they were FUN!

I really enjoyed this LESSON.  So much to teach and so much to learn.  What a great reminded to NEVER play favorites, to have FAITH that GOD is with you even in bad times, and to LOVE no matter what happens to you.  






  1. Lynola Avatar

    What is the tune of the 2nd song?

  2. Unknown Avatar

    Are your materials available for sale?

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