Hands On Bible Teacher Title


Hi everyone!!!  So much has been going on in my personal life that I have neglected the blog for a LOOOOOONG time. 

Between keeping a little one (she was 2 month when I began keeping her and just turned 3), a daughter getting married, a new grand baby, a son graduating, my sister moving here from the west coast and her hubby passing away, my youngest son moving into middle school, not to mention all the responsibilities that come with being a wife, mom, preacher’s wife, elder’s wife, Bible Class teacher, etc. my life has been a wee bit crazy at times.  I truly believe that PRAYER is what carries me through.  Knowing I can TALK with GOD about everything is truly a BLESSING!!!

However, I am still here.  I am still teaching Bible Class and I am still LOVING to teach BIBLE CLASS!! I MISS writing about all the FUN we have in BIBLE CLASS.  

With all that said, I am going to attempt to update the BLOG a little more frequently.  Starting in OCTOBER we have some very EXCITING NEW LESSONS we will be covering.  I am currently in the MIDDLE of WRITING LESSONS, COMING UP WITH TAKE HOME PROJECTS, CREATING MEMORY VERSE CARDS, GAMES, ACTIVITIES FOR THEIR EXPLORER JOURNALS AND SO MUCH MORE!!!    I LOVE the Exploration of a “NEW” area of the BIBLE!!!    

We have had so many KIDDOS change classes. GROWING up is HARD on ME!!!  I love having the KIDDOS in my class and really “hate” to see them leave.  But, I know they keep progressing with other teachers and experiences.  

I will attempt to focus a few posts on “FINDS” from the DOLLAR TREE. I will try to share some of my TRASH to TREASURES!!!   I will try to share things going on in other age groups at our congregation.  I will let you know some of the FUN and EXCITING Visuals we come up with….and I will share some of the things I have shared on the FACEBOOK Page for HOBT!   

Thanks for your patience and understanding. 

Be looking for a POST this next week!!!!  








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