Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Memorizing Important Bible Facts

We are focusing on MEMORIZING important BIBLE Facts.  That being said, we needed a way to TRACK our KIDDOS progress.  So, we decided on a BADGE EARNING SYSTEM.   

Each time the KIDDOS can RECITE the ASSIGNED MEMORY WORK, they will earn a BADGE to attach to their “BIBLE BOOKMARK.”


We have BIBLE FACT CHARTS that the KIDDOS will use to help facilitate their MEMORIZING of the assigned FACTS.    (These charts come from Hands On Bible Teacher and are available for purchase.)  

Each of our students has a “BIBLE” on the Bulletin Board with a VERY LONG Bible Book Mark.  This is where the KIDDOS will place their “BADGES.”    We simply staple them to the ribbon.   As you can see, the KIDDOS have already begun EARNING their BADGES.

The KIDDOS have a LOT of MEMORIZING to do this year.  There are so many IMPORTANT Bible Facts for them to memorize.  

The KIDDOS BADGES are just a little smaller than the BADGE seen on the board under the “EARN YOUR BIBLE KNOWLEDGE BADGE” banner.    

The KIDDOS are very excited about EARNING their BADGES.   By the way, each time they earn a BADGE, I give them a STICKER to wear that reads, “I EARNED A BADGE IN BIBLE CLASS.” This has encouraged others to ask the KIDDOS how they earn their BADGE.  So, that gives the KIDDOS an opportunity to share what they have memorized!!  




7 responses to “Memorizing Important Bible Facts”

  1. Leslie's Garden Avatar
    Leslie's Garden

    I love the ideas you share with us. May I ask how you cover these memory facts? Do you take one a week, and teach it in addition to your weekly lesson? Or will you only teach as they come up in a lesson (for instance, will you only teach the Judges when you study them in your weekly lesson?).

  2. Unknown Avatar

    Learn how to teach our youth the word of God.
    Visit Here To Teach Our Youth The Word of God.

  3. tonie Avatar

    Where can we purchase your material?

  4. Julie Kieras Avatar
    Julie Kieras

    I am LOVING your site! You have such GREAT ideas for Bible class – I know I already mentioned in another comment, but please let us know where you purchase your materials! 🙂

  5. Lisa Robertson Avatar
    Lisa Robertson

    These are great! Do you still have material that I can purchase? Thank you!

  6. Anna Miller Avatar
    Anna Miller

    These are absolutely wonderful. Where do you get your visuals for the Bible badges? I truly love this idea.

  7. Amanda Nolt Avatar
    Amanda Nolt

    Love! Where can we get hold of visuals and Bible badges??

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