Hands On Bible Teacher Title


Can you believe we are up to box 9!!! I hope you are not getting tired of these posts.  With Box 9 we are up to GOD’S PLAN FOR MAN—The Early Church.  

Just LIKE my BOX about the LIFE OF JESUS—this is an INCOMPLETE BOX. I have so many items I hope to find and add to this box….I am always keeping my eye out for items that  will fulfill my needs. 

I know this Bible time lady could be anyone—but, for now she is DORCAS.  I am sure you see the little DRESS that goes with her….After all Dorcas sewed clothes for brethren.  🙂  The little dress is made out of felt and was a gift to me from my sweet friend Laura.  

The ROCK is to represent Jesus’s statement—“UPON THIS ROCK, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH.” 

The LITTLE Knight—Armor of GOD!

The Heart–LOVE the BRETHREN—1 Cor. 13.  

Here are a few close up pictures…

Again, please remember this box is NOT complete….I want to add so many different items to this BOX.  

I want to add the NUMBER 1—for ONE BODY, One SPIRIT,  One HOPE, One LORD, ONE FAITH, ONE BAPTISM.    I want to add FRUIT for Fruit of the Spirit.  I want to add Maps of Paul’s Journeys, I want to add “letters” to represent the Epistles sent to the churches…etc.  So many ideas…JUST need to find the PERFECT items to represent these….  🙂

Only one more BOX to go.  YAY!!! Hope you are enjoying these POSTS.  




  1. Sarahbeth Avatar

    I just love your ideas! I would love to ask you tons of questions. What age group are you currently teaching? Do you teach all year? If you have not already, have you ever considered writing a teachers guide??

  2. Unknown Avatar

    Where did you get your labels on the boxes?

  3. Unknown Avatar

    Hi! God bless you… I love your posts, your blog, don't stop doing it please!!

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