Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Abraham & Sarah Special Guest

This week we are moving forward in our EXPLORATION of Abraham and Sarah.   We are focusing on the time period when the three “special” visitors came and told Abraham that Sarah would have a baby in a year!  What an exciting story!!!  

Our DO YOU KNOW? WALL  is ready.  

We have a NEW card to add to our “GOD’S AWESOME PLAN FOR MAN” Timeline.

Here is a picture of our TIMELINE….As you can tell, I do not have many of the MOSES stories posted….If we go on into MOSES, I will be adding them back to the TIMELINE.    Due to room limits, I will often remove some cards and leave the ones that show GOD’S AWESOME PLAN unfolding.    That is why the card of Cain and Able have been removed, but SETH has been left up on the board.  Remember, Jesus comes through SETH!!!!!

MAMRE and SODOM have been added to our MAP.  

This is the KIDDOS new MEMORY VERSE.  We sang it to the Tune:  “If You’re Happy And You Know It…”

We sang this song several time.  I want the KIDDOS to really understand the 3 SPECIAL PROMISES that GOD made to Abraham. 

I forgot to share these last week.  So, here are our WORDS for our WORD WALL.  I want the KIDDOS to KNOW what these words mean.    I am still needing to add one for the word “FAMINE.”  

The KIDDOS will be making these TENTS for their TAKE HOME project.  

They will add POTS and PAN stickers to SARAH…after all she was in the tent preparing a meal for their special guest.   

To make these tents set up I added an “easel” style back…so, the KIDDOS can set them up on a shelf, dresser or table.  

Our REVIEW GAME is more of a Dramatization.  I had the KIDDOS pretend to be Abraham, Sarah and the Special Guest.  We retold the story with them acting it out….It was so cute.  

Next week the KIDDOS will be making these and adding them to their EXPLORER JOURNAL.    They will add the stickers to ANSWER the QUESTIONS….  TENT, FIRE, STARS and the number “99.”

I LOVE teaching the life of Abraham.  




19 responses to “Abraham & Sarah Special Guest”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    I love this post! Where did you find the tent craft printable?

  2. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, I would like to use these material for our sunday school..

    Please provide me the printable to my Email..



    Hannah Lee

  3. Unknown Avatar

    I was wondering if you sell your visuals and where could I get them. I also love the songs. Do you have recordings with the tunes?
    I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you a fellow servant for Christ.

  4. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, I want to make crafts, Abraham, Sarah, and three traveler.
    But how to print figures and samples?
    If it is possible to email mosiriska@gmail.com

  5. Virginia Avatar

    Could you send me the template with the questions…"Abraham lived in a …tent…" I would love to have this for teaching my son.
    Do you share your templates?

  6. Unknown Avatar

    Are you able to share Sarah in the tent template?I am teaching in Sunday School. If yes, could you pls email to jasminechiangjd@gmail.com ? Thank you.

  7. Unknown Avatar

    Would you be willing to share your template for tent and visitor project?
    Thank you!

  8. Unknown Avatar

    I love all of this. Would you be willing to share the take home project and the visitors worksheet? s.mcglinsey@verizon.net

  9. Unknown Avatar

    I would love the visuals as well for my special needs little's. If you are willing, please Email to SamanthaCassaday@gmail.com. Thank you. 🙂

  10. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, my name is Lisa, please send the templates for the crafts that you have here. I want to use them for my Sunday school class. Thanks. My email address is lhomaidan@aol.com.

  11. Unknown Avatar

    Would love to use these for sunday school can you send please. coffeykath@aol.com

  12. Unknown Avatar

    Would love to use these for sunday school can you send please. Pu-muh@ya.ru

  13. Unknown Avatar

    Are you willing to share the tent template?

  14. Unknown Avatar

    Are you willing to share the tent template?

  15. Court Avatar

    Hi there! I was wondering if you could share the tent PDF. That would very much appricated by my class!

  16. Unknown Avatar

    Could you please share the template with me? My church is small, just starting off and I would love to do this with the children in my Sunday school.

  17. Elian lobato Avatar
    Elian lobato

    Vc poderia compartilhar seus modelos, trabalho com pequeninos da EBD da Assembleia de Deus.
    A paz do Senhor!

  18. Flávia Avatar

    Where did you find the tent craft printable, please?
    Thank you

  19. Unknown Avatar

    Poderia enviar esse material da tenda pra mim por favor?!
    Muito obrigado

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