Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: 2-4 year olds

  • Dollar Tree Finds

    Everyone knows I love to shop Dollar Tree for Bible Class supplies.  Well, I have found several fun items at Dollar Tree on recent trips.  Please understand, Dollar Tree does not fund me or provide me any perks, special treatment or notoriety for  sharing my Dollar Tree Finds.  I simply share these to help my…

  • Coffee Can Turned Tower of Babel

    We had several coffee can donated to us….So, we decided to make a TOWER OF BABEL Building Set.    We did this for the 2 year old to 4 year old class.  They were easy peasy to make.  We simply wrapped each can with Stone Pattern Bulletin Board Boarder Paper and Taped it on with…

  • Good Things Are “POPPING” Up in Bible Class– Door Decor

    Just a quick post of a FUN door we have in our hallway.   This door leads to our 2-4 year old classroom.  I think this door makes you wanna POP right in for some FUN Bible learning!!  We have DUTCH doors in our classrooms.  (My KIDDOS call it the TRAP DOOR.)  So, when we…

  • Toddler Class…a FUN New Adventure for ages 2-4!!!

    We have had an EXPLOSION of KIDDOS recently!!  This is such an exciting time for our congregation.  We have a “CRADLE ROLL” class….This class has normally had about five KIDDOS…and recently blossomed to nine KIDDOS.    This created a “problem” because our Cradle Roll Table only sits eight KIDDOS.     This is a wonderful “PROBLEM” to…