Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: activities

  • SETH, a BLESSING to us ALL.

    We have a NEW LESSON this week!!!  The KIDDOS will be learning all about SETH.  Seth is such an important BABY!!!!  After all, JESUS will be one of SETH’S descendants!!!  So, not only was SETH a blessing to ADAM and EVE, he was a BLESSING to YOU and ME! We have new informational cards up…

  • 2ND-4TH Graders Class—Classroom Decotations and Ideas. Lapbooks.

    How is it that LIFE get soooo crazy.  I have been wanting to SHARE some of the ideas from the 2nd-4th graders Bible Class room.  Please remember, I am NOT the teacher of this WONDERFUL class.   This is a VERY active group of KIDDOS…..I am always AMAZED when I walk into this classroom.  …

  • Jehoshaphat A Godly King of Judah

    This Sunday we will be learning about King Jehoshaphat.  I love being able to teach about GODLY KINGS.    The KIDDOS are geuinely happy to FINALLY be learning about godly kings.  After all NOT ONE King of Israel was godly…”NO NOT ONE.”  (Imagine small children saying those words….every time I ask if Israel had a godly…

  • Asa a LOYAL KING

    This SUNDAY we begin EXPLORING the KINGS of JUDAH!!!  When the KIDDOS arrive I have a “SURPRISE” waiting for them.  Hanging on the back of each of my KIDDOS chairs is a NEW Bible Class Bag!!!  I have placed new cards in our “DO YOU KNOW” Pocket Chart.  I am always PLEASED when the KIDDOS…

  • New Bible Class Bags!!!

    We are beginning  a NEW “QUARTER” this upcoming SUNDAY.  I am already so excited about getting the opportunity to teach the KINGS of JUDAH to the KIDDOS.  I LOVE to start out a NEW “QUARTER” with a LOT of FANFARE!!        When we start a new “QUARTER” we don our EXPLORER HATS and sing our “WE…

  • Kings of Israel REVIEW for the KIDDOS

    I am traveling this week… My HUBBY and I are headed to Florida College to attend a week of Bible Lectures.  It is such a rejuvenation for me.  I also get time to PERUSE the College Bookstore that is filled with various materials PERFECT for Bible Studies and Bible Classes!!!!  I am very excited!!!!  I…

  • Five Minutes Till the Bell Rings!!!

    Hi there!!  I know some are wondering WHAT to do with those LAST few MINUTES of CLASS TIME.  Just so you know,  I seem to RUN out of TIME every SUNDAY!!!  I would LOVE to have BIBLE CLASS run 15, 20, 30 more minutes. 🙂  But, realistically speaking I would probably STILL run out of…

  • Lap Book Activity from the 2nd-4th Grade Class

    I love being able to highlight some of our other teacher’s work and ideas.  We are blessed, at our congregation, to have very creative,  dedicated and talented teachers.   I have previously highlighted the BEAUTIFUL LAPBOOKS that our 2nd-4th grade class have made.  This is their LATEST Lapbookk.  They have been leaning about the Divided Kingdom,…

  • Save The TRASH!!!

    If you follow me on FACEBOOK you already know all about this….I want to encourage you to USE it ALL!!!   You see, I use a LOT of Sticky Foam Dots.  I LOVE the 3D effect that these Foam Dots give to items on pages.   But, I have a little secret.  I SAVE all the…

  • Elisha and the Widow

    This weeks lesson is focusing on some of the miracles Elisha performs.  We will quickly cover the miracle when Elisha healed the water at Jericho…but our MAIN focus of the lesson will be when Elisha helps the widow…this story comes from 2 Kings 4.   We will add the WORD Debt to our WORD WALL!! Since,…