Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Altar

  • Dollar Tree Finds

    Everyone knows I love to shop Dollar Tree for Bible Class supplies.  Well, I have found several fun items at Dollar Tree on recent trips.  Please understand, Dollar Tree does not fund me or provide me any perks, special treatment or notoriety for  sharing my Dollar Tree Finds.  I simply share these to help my…

  • Abraham is Faithful

    We recently had a lesson about Abraham being FAITHFUL.  He was so FAITHFUL that when GOD called upon him to give up his only son, he was willing.  WOW, what FAITH.   Our DO YOU KNOW? wall is FILLED with the FACTS and INFORMATION that I want to make sure the KIDDOS understand.   We…

  • Cain and Abel

    We are making progress…..we are learning about Cain and Abel. We are a bit behind, due to weather.  We have NEVER had to cancel services….but, a week ago we were covered in ICE.  It made for extremely dangerous driving conditions.  So, our elders decided it would be best to cancel services.  With that being said,…

  • Isaiah: Called to be GOD’S PROPHET

    A new lesson for this upcoming Sunday!!!  We are going to be learning about Isaiah the Prophet.  We will be learning about how he was called by GOD to be a Prophet.  I am so excited about this lesson.  It is such an AMAZING EVENT!! Our Who? What? When? Where? Where? Why? and How Is…

  • Kiddos TAKE HOME Projects!!!

    I wanted to share the KIDDOS recent TAKE HOME project.  As you know, we just had a lesson on Elijah and the Prophets of Baal and the battle on Mount Carmel.     As, a TAKE HOME project, I had the KIDDOS paint (WITH SHARPIES) a rock that had, “THE LORD IS GOD!” written on it…I had…

  • CLIP ART TURNED Visuals–Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

    I know this is a little LATE…and, I had already shown you MOST of the VISUALS I used for this past weeks lesson.  However, I decided to GO a LITTLE farther with my VISUALS.   I wanted to make sure the KIDDOS could really VISUALIZE the story as I told the story to them.  …

  • Elijah Challenges The Prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel

    This week we have a “NEW” Bible Lesson.  Please remember, that each of my lessons last 2 weeks.  The first week, I spend introducing the lesson, facts, places, etc.  The next week we do a very detailed review…this gives me an opportunity to see if the KIDDOS missed something or if I forgot to share…

  • Paper Rocks Become Altar, Well and Memorial

    A “BLAST from the PAST!!!”  I made these “ROCKS” a LONG time ago.  And, they have been used for so many Bible Lessons.   They may not look impressive here…but, they do get TRANSFORMED…  just keep on reading.  🙂      As you can see they started off as simple paper sacks stuffed with news paper. …