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Category: Armor of God


    Can you believe we are up to box 9!!! I hope you are not getting tired of these posts.  With Box 9 we are up to GOD’S PLAN FOR MAN—The Early Church.   Just LIKE my BOX about the LIFE OF JESUS—this is an INCOMPLETE BOX. I have so many items I hope to find…

  • Fished the Armor of God Unitt!!!!

    We finished the Armor of God unit.  The children had soooo much fun learning all about the Armor God wants us to be wearing.  I decided for this post to post a lot of pictures of one of the kiddos in his FULL “ARMOR OF GOD.”   They all enjoyed making their ARMOR PIECES….and when we…

  • Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 6

    The lesson on the Sword of the Spirit was a fun lesson.  The boys were very excited about learning about and making a SWORD.   After teaching them that God’s Word is a SWORD and that when we read it we often CUT through our hearts and that is what makes us CHANGE and live the…

  • Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 5

    This past Sunday was a very FUN day of learning.  The kiddos were soooo excited to learn about the Helmet of Salvation.  Prior to going into the lesson I showed them pictures of various types of hats.  For example, a football helmet, hockey helmet, baseball bating helmet, motorcycle helmet, hard hat, bike helmet, combat helmet,…

  • Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 4

    This past Sunday we did our lesson on the Shield of Faith.  We focused on the fact that if we BELIEVE ALL of GOD’S promises then we have Faith.  We talked about how Faith helps protect us from the Devil and his tricks.  We talked about how the Devil wants us to believe lies and…

  • Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 3

    We are continuing our lessons on the Armor of God.  This past Sunday we added “Sandals of Peace” to our Belt of Truth and Breastplate of Righteousness.  We learned that God wants our feet to be SHOD with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace.     I wanted the kiddos to realize that when we teach…

  • Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons 2

    I have been busy this week.  Still playing a bit of catch up since my daughter Sarah’s wedding and vacation.  So, I  spent some time getting the kiddo’s “Explorer Journals” made.  This quarter our Explorer Journals are light blue.  They match the time line boards that  are in our bible classes  hallway. As I promised,…

  • Armor of God Exploring Bible History New Testament Lessons

    Today was the beginning of our new “Theme.”  We are Exploring the Armor of God.   Paul wrote the Letter to the brethren in Ephesus.  They lived under the Roman Government and were completely aware of the Armor a Soldier wore.   The kiddos were excited to get started with this new topic.  However, I was asked…