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Category: Bible Explorers

  • Life of CHRIST—Angel Gabriel’s Announcement

     I am so excited about this “NEW MATERIAL.”  I have been working on LESSONS on the LIFE OF CHRIST for a while, now.  I am NOT done writing the LESSONS, but I feel I have enough LESSONS written that we can march forward in EXPLORING the LIFE of CHRIST!!!   As always, I teach my…

  • We Want To Get “CAUGHT” In Bible Class!! Attendance Charts

    As, I said in my previous POST, a NEW QUARTER brings NEW CHANGES.  My KIDDOS will be learning about the Life of CHRIST over the next several months.  It will take us more than a quarter to get though all the lessons I want to teach….so, we will take our time.  However, with that being…

  • Abraham “GET UP and GO.”

    Do You KNOW?  Wall. BULLETIN BOARD We have begun our EXPLORATION of the Patriarchs.  I am excited.  The KIDDOS are excited, too. They LOVE new adventures!!! The KIDDOS “NEW” Explorer Journals are READY!!  These are used to keep their Explorer Journal Activities.  The KIDDOS get to take them home at the end of the study.…

  • Isaiah Prophesies The Coming of Jesus

    We have a NEW lesson for this Sunday.  We will be leaning about Isaiah prophesying  the Coming of Jesus.  I am excited about this lesson…I get the blessing of showing the KIDDOS one of the FAITH building prophecies of our LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST!!!   We will be adding this CARD to our “GOD’S…

  • Classroom Changes Preparing for NEW MATERIALS!!!

    I ALWAYS have mixed emotions at the END of a “QUARTER.”  I  LOVE looking back over EVERYTHING we LEARNED.   I am EXCITED about the “NEW” material we will be LEARNING.  YET, I am a wee bit sad when I am TAKING down VISUAL and PACKING AWAY things that we USED/MADE.     BTW, These PICTURES are to…

  • New Bible Class Bags!!!

    We are beginning  a NEW “QUARTER” this upcoming SUNDAY.  I am already so excited about getting the opportunity to teach the KINGS of JUDAH to the KIDDOS.  I LOVE to start out a NEW “QUARTER” with a LOT of FANFARE!!        When we start a new “QUARTER” we don our EXPLORER HATS and sing our “WE…

  • The Divided Kingdom

    Sometimes it is HARD to get things rolling after coming off vacation.  This year was NO different.  Unpacking, cleaning, shopping, birthday parties, my youngest son needing staples in his head…you, know just the normal day to day responsibilities that come with being a wife and mom.  🙂   However, I have been working on some changes…

  • A Bible Book Bag As A Special Surprise E.A.A.

    The Kiddos had a SPECIAL SURPRISE as their E.A.A.  (Early Arrival Activity.)  I decided to give each of my Kiddos a “Special” bag.  I explained that this “Special” bag was their “BIBLE CLASS Bag.”  I told them this bag was to come to Bible Class with them EVERY TIME they come to class.   I let…