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Category: Bible Facts

  • Memorizing Important Bible Facts

    We are focusing on MEMORIZING important BIBLE Facts.  That being said, we needed a way to TRACK our KIDDOS progress.  So, we decided on a BADGE EARNING SYSTEM.    Each time the KIDDOS can RECITE the ASSIGNED MEMORY WORK, they will earn a BADGE to attach to their “BIBLE BOOKMARK.” We titled our board, “WE…

  • Toddler Class is Memorizing the DAYS of CREATION Bible Facts

    Each of our classes are working on Memorizing their Basic Bible Facts.   Each teacher has decided on their own way to incorporate Basic Bible Fact Memorization time into their classroom schedule.   The TODDLER class teachers decided to make WORLD POCKETS for each of their KIDDOS.   Their is a pocket on the back…

  • Memorizing Bible Facts Motivational Bulletin Board on a Door

     I shared with you, yesterday, our desire to reinforce the KIDDOS Basic Bible Facts knowledge.   Our congregation is working with our KIDDOS and expects them to be able to Memorize their Basic Bible Facts.  So, that left it up to us teachers to come up with MOTIVATIONAL ideas for our KIDDOS.   I decided…


    Our  2nd-4th Graders have been learning about the Life of CHRIST.  Such a WONDERFUL TOPIC.  I am looking forward to ONE day getting to WRITE and TEACH lessons on the LIFE of CHRIST for my KIDDOS. These KIDDOS are so much fun and so SMART!   So, we wanted to give them a bit of…

  • Five Minutes Till the Bell Rings!!!

    Hi there!!  I know some are wondering WHAT to do with those LAST few MINUTES of CLASS TIME.  Just so you know,  I seem to RUN out of TIME every SUNDAY!!!  I would LOVE to have BIBLE CLASS run 15, 20, 30 more minutes. 🙂  But, realistically speaking I would probably STILL run out of…

  • FLIP YOUR LID!!!! Bible Facts Review Game

     We have a new EARLY ARRIVER ACTIVITY! I have been slowly collecting these tops to LYSOL wipes…..You could use ANY brand you like…I just happened to have LYSOL brand wipes,  so I that is what I am currently using. However, I put the word out and have had several donations  of lids come in from…

  • Bible Detectives!!!!

    We are starting something NEW.  This is an opportunity for all of OUR KIDDOS, that attend Bible Classes here at our congregation, to expand their Bible Knowledge!!! We are going to encourage all of our KIDDOS to be BIBLE DETECTIVES!!!   We have an area in our classroom hallway that is PERFECT for displaying this BOARD.   …

  • KIDDOS Build “Solomon’s Temple”

    Just a quick post to show you why my KIDDOS AMAZE me.   As you know we “PLAYED” a REVIEW GAME during our LESSON on Solomon Builds The Temple.    The “GAME” went like this:  I asked the KIDDOS a question from the LESSON and they’d answer.  If they got the answer correct they added a BLOCK…

  • Puzzle Frames Review Game

    As you know I LOVE shopping at the Dollar Tree.  When I walk through the doors of that store I can not stop thinking, “Bible Class, Bible Class, Bible Class.”  Every aisle I  walk down I am asking myself, “What Do I See that I Can use in Bible Class?   One day while shopping…

  • Paper Rocks Become Altar, Well and Memorial

    A “BLAST from the PAST!!!”  I made these “ROCKS” a LONG time ago.  And, they have been used for so many Bible Lessons.   They may not look impressive here…but, they do get TRANSFORMED…  just keep on reading.  🙂      As you can see they started off as simple paper sacks stuffed with news paper. …