Hands On Bible Teacher Title

Category: Bible questions

  • Memorizing Important Bible Facts

    We are focusing on MEMORIZING important BIBLE Facts.  That being said, we needed a way to TRACK our KIDDOS progress.  So, we decided on a BADGE EARNING SYSTEM.    Each time the KIDDOS can RECITE the ASSIGNED MEMORY WORK, they will earn a BADGE to attach to their “BIBLE BOOKMARK.” We titled our board, “WE…

  • Bible Detectives!!!!

    We are starting something NEW.  This is an opportunity for all of OUR KIDDOS, that attend Bible Classes here at our congregation, to expand their Bible Knowledge!!! We are going to encourage all of our KIDDOS to be BIBLE DETECTIVES!!!   We have an area in our classroom hallway that is PERFECT for displaying this BOARD.   …

  • REVIEW WEEK—Milk Carton Chute

    Our Review Week is coming up soon.  We ALWAYS have a BIG REVIEW at the end of a QUARTER.  I normally PULL out something from each PAST lesson to display on REVIEW SUNDAY.  I will post pics of our REVIEW SUNDAY soon.  But, in preparation for REVIEW Sunday, I made a simple and yet FUN…

  • KIDDOS Build “Solomon’s Temple”

    Just a quick post to show you why my KIDDOS AMAZE me.   As you know we “PLAYED” a REVIEW GAME during our LESSON on Solomon Builds The Temple.    The “GAME” went like this:  I asked the KIDDOS a question from the LESSON and they’d answer.  If they got the answer correct they added a BLOCK…

  • Personal White Boards Make GREAT Teaching Aides.

    As you know, I ALWAYS have some sort of EAA (Early Arrivers Activity) for my KIDDOS.  I usually have the same EAA for 2 weeks.  I try to CHANGE out the EAA’S often…yet keep a bit of consistency during a particular lesson. If this is your first time coming to the HANDS ON BIBLE TEACHER…

  • Solomon Asks For Wisdom

    Our next lesson is about Solomon being crowned KING.  Our focus during this lesson will be focused upon Solomon’s request for WISDOM.    We will be looking at the IMPORTANCE of WISDOM and how we get WISDOM today.     As you can tell from the picture on the left…we have added a few facts about Solomon to…

  • Paint Paddles Turned Bible Facts Review Sticks!!!

    Paint Paddles are NOT just for mixing paint.  🙂  I Decided to make some Bible Facts Review Sticks. These are based off something I saw on Pinterest.  (BTW, I love Pinterest!!!)     I have by no means exhausted ALL the Bible Facts, List, People, etc.  Matter-of-Fact, I need to finish the one I am making for…

  • Beach Ball Review Game.

    I just wanted to share a FUN, and EASY to make Review Game.  I figured this would be a great time to share this idea since I saw a bunch of Beach Balls on display at Walmart and the Dollar Store.  So,  I figure they are pretty easy to find in your area too.  I…

  • Our next lesson is about David and Mephibosheth.   We will be focusing on COMPASSION and KEEPING OUR PROMISES.    This is a wonderful story to illustrate then need for  compassion and keeping our promises.  I love this story!!   I decided to make my OWN visuals for this story.  I will have my “Mephibosheth” hobble up to…

  • Best Friends: David and Jonathan

    I am EXTREMELY excited!!!!!!  My excitement stems from the fact that this upcoming Sunday begins my NEW Quarter with the KIDDOS.  We are continuing to EXPLORE Bible History.  We will be wearing our “Explorer Hats” and singing “We Are Bible Explorers.”   We do this at the beginning of each NEW Quarter.  Since we left off…